say something about ... yourself!

Customer Service at a Dry cleaners. Take in orders, pick up orders for customers. Work itself isn't bad, albeit tedious. But the customers are mostly really obnoxious rich people, and absentee (seriously, they show up for 3-4 hours a week) managers are complete retards that don't understand that if a plant loses half its employees won't be able to turn out the same results, etc etc. I suppose its normal shitty job fair, only to the nth degree.

Stolen any fur coats from blind old ladies yet?
When I was walking home this morning - being pretty loaded -, I almost got run over by a car fleeing from the cops in a car chase. Now the cops hassle me to testify but I'm not sure yet if I will.
finally ripping into my box of valentine's chocolates. i've eaten crap all weekend, may as well top it off!!

...annnnnd the first one i bite into has to be coconut :bah:
coconut :puke:

with those see's etc. i usually cut em in half and examine the insides because sometimes there are very bad things inside. very bad.
I just showed up on the set of Milk to be an extra. They were shooting Sean Penn (as Harvey Milk) making a speech at the 1978 Gay Freedom Day parade. A lot of people showed up, gay and straight and of all ages. In between shots he starting talking shit about Jerry Falwell, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other conservatives. It was a good time, and makes me really glad I live where I do.