say something about ... yourself!

yep, all kinds, no matter the metal. i guess i probably wouldn't do well with facial/body piercings :Smug:

have you actually tried to put *real* piercing earings in? (not the junk you find at Hot Topic or at the mall or what-ever)
They are thicker, but you can force them in, the thing is: they are made to overcome MOST allergies: so maybe they'll work :)
I know many friends who can't wear anything BUT real piercing stuff and it works awesome for them
have you actually tried to put *real* piercing earings in? (not the junk you find at Hot Topic or at the mall or what-ever)
They are thicker, but you can force them in, the thing is: they are made to overcome MOST allergies: so maybe they'll work :)
I know many friends who can't wear anything BUT real piercing stuff and it works awesome for them

"no matter the metal"

yes. tried em all, wasted a lot of money.

i can wear most any earring for a day without much consequence, but after the 24 hour mark, my "holes" start getting red & crusty :ill:
oh yeah, first day of work. twas meh, just a bunch of boring computer training on sexual harrassment, safety, etc.

and more tomorrow morning! i think i'm going in on wedesday night to learn the register & stuff.
I had been snoring, so my mouth was completely dry and cottony when he called. I tried to hide it the best I could, but I'm sure he heard a little bit of it.
Oh no, they forced the phone to my ear or I would have swished about some water before I called him back. I was a little annoyed.
There's a house phone because I've told all my employers they're never permitted to call my cellular phone, as it is for private affairs only. The others do the same, so a central line is required.
well, good luck! hopefully this will result in an appearance at meat camp! which reminds me, as soon as i actually meet my direct supervisor, i have to put in for may 11th off. i could work the 10th if it was only during the day, but i must have the 11th to recover and be merry at scarborough faire!
well, good luck! hopefully this will result in an appearance at meat camp! which reminds me, as soon as i actually meet my direct supervisor, i have to put in for may 11th off. i could work the 10th if it was only during the day, but i must have the 11th to recover and be merry at scarborough faire!
I don't know, honestly. What with the ticket costs, by the time I could afford to buy one the prices will probably be too high.

Like ninja affairs? :lol:

No, it was a nice way of telling them "Fuck off, my cell number is none of your goddamned business," when they asked.
well, woohoo - I finally got a paid job.
A paid intership with a great graphic design company called The Madison Design Group
Interview went well, I was chosen out of 30 other candidates (which makes me feel special awww)
I'm very excited about it


The pay sucks.
I guess I shouldn't complain because I am an intern and I need this for my career, experience and postfolio, but still... I'm used to more- and now I'm taking a pay cut.
Oh well, it'll be nice to do it for a couple of months and then find soemthing better.

So yeah, congrats me.
yay kawen we're all getting jobs! i'm taking a pay cut as well, but that's a given with retail.

we can work these jobs for a couple months and then start our private investigation/graphic design business, yes? :oops: