say something about ... yourself!

Petard wants to stay in the Dallas area for another year or two and complete his rookie year at the PD before moving to Galveston. I'm leaning towards agreeing, mostly so we can spend another year cleaning up our credit and saving for a bigger down payment on a house.

No fucking apartments will take a german shepherd because they're an "agressive breed". Gay. I found a completely awesome place for 1740 a month that will take him, but I'm thinking that's perhaps too much monies.

Yay you'll stay here forevers and evers!!! :hotjump:

I guess that plan is sensible though. The apartment...well, that payment is gonna suck. Come to south Irving, where you can get a big, pit bull friendly apartment for $300/month :loco:
Baked minds makes me think of cookies.
And 1740 a month for a dog friendly joint? Christ, do utilities furniture, and room service come with that?
Baked minds makes me think of cookies.
And 1740 a month for a dog friendly joint? Christ, do utilities furniture, and room service come with that?

2 car garage, three stories, three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths and a guarantee of no negros. 'cept maybe Oprah.


Shitdicks, how many sq feet?


Yep, we could get a house, and we're thinkin about that. Only thing is, it'll probably be kinda far away, Frisco seems to have nice places. And most of the places make you buy and bring your own appliances. So, we shall see. Nothin's gonna happen til we pay off 10 grand more on our debts. Oh, and if I don't get laid off. 4 more people got laid off upstairs. :ill:

Yep, we could get a house, and we're thinkin about that. Only thing is, it'll probably be kinda far away, Frisco seems to have nice places. And most of the places make you buy and bring your own appliances. So, we shall see. Nothin's gonna happen til we pay off 10 grand more on our debts. Oh, and if I don't get laid off. 4 more people got laid off upstairs. :ill:

Jeeeez. I hope that didn't affect Nila, I haven't gotten any kind of responses from her lately. Did they fire competent people or just some from the stupid stock?
Jeeeez. I hope that didn't affect Nila, I haven't gotten any kind of responses from her lately. Did they fire competent people or just some from the stupid stock?

Nope, I saw her Friday. I think it was someone in supplements then some retards from Angela's group. I think we're okay in Shannon's group because we're already a few people short. And there are plenty of tards I think they'd get rid of 'fore me.