say something about ... yourself!

I had really bad allergies when I was young, but after years of weekly allergy shots I got over a lot of them, still have minor reactions to certain pollens and whatnot though, but not as bad as it used to be. I used to have a cat allergy but over time it's gotten better, probably just constant exposure to loads of cats has cured me!

However a few years ago I got a banana allergy. I miss bananas :(
uh, (not saying this for "moral" reasons) arent you a little young and unmarried to have a baby? didnt you just hook up with this guy? dont you still go to college and live at home? i hope you're taking 'reality' into consideration when you decide to have him/her or not :erk:

im not trying to rain on your parade but i hope you think this through because its not a thing to be taken lightly like so many people do and and up regretting it later
Yeah man, looking at my sister, and how little she interacts with her kid due to her young self-centered nature, I worry when younger couples conceive.
I'm not much of a fan of pro-creation... most of the parents are fucking idiots and they raise idiot children and statistics like this pop up:,2933,336749,00.html

Bet the generation after that hits the 1-3 mark.

And I HATE hearing about peoples kids. Hate it more than I hate ass itching from drinking caffeine. "Look at me, I have 10 kids... aren't they wonderful?"

"No... they're sucking money out of my paycheck via government proxy you open legged hussy."
@derick: yes, i know, not a good example. just saying, all was well til he, er both of them, hit their teens. all of us were cared for just fine, and stuff.
its not just age its the whole life situation, which i admit i know little about. my information might be outdated and her new boyfriend might make tons of dough so theres no worries. i dont know her in person, but what (admittedly little) i do know about her situation had me making the :erk: face when i read the news.
hmm that's off macarthur and 161, which isn't *too* far. i could ride the bus, or derick could take me since that's right down the street from his school. so, sarah's company is hiring? :loco:

I'm not sure, they hire quite often from what I now. I think you can apply online on their site. If not, I'll ask her how to. I think they pay okay. Then you guys will become best friends and leeeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeee :erk:
its not just age its the whole life situation, which i admit i know little about. my information might be outdated and her new boyfriend might make tons of dough so theres no worries. i dont know her in person, but what (admittedly little) i do know about her situation had me making the face when i read the news.
No, I understand man, I see the way ways are raised today, and it's enough to induce me into alcoholism if I weren't too lazy to pay that much for booze.
My mom got me when she was 18. But that was a way different time and the child care in the GDR (Eastern Germany) was basically the best thing about that abomination of a state.

In my current position (being 22 and still studying aka without a secure income and future, only good prospects), I'd find it irresponsible to set a child in this world. But respect for those who manage this quite well.
I'm not sure, they hire quite often from what I now. I think you can apply online on their site. If not, I'll ask her how to. I think they pay okay. Then you guys will become best friends and leeeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeee :erk:

Yay I found the corporate jobs page! I just may apply. You should work there too, and you and the Petard can just move to Las Colinas :p
Ugh... speaking of hating children, the fucking old mans girlfriends sister is here with her 2 spawns of satan. Last time they were here I found 2 of the strings on my silvertone 1448 broken, and the speaker of the case amp was punctured.

Luckily, the studio is locked.
They were gone before I noticed... and I try not to stir the drama beehive. So I'm just sticking in my room.

It's a pain in the ass to replace the strings on that fucker too, I rarely have it out, but earlier that day I felt like playing with it a little. Got a great vintage cheapo guitar sound (got it from the pawn shop for about 50 bucks... idiots didn't know they were holding a `62 1448)...

Learned my lesson, lock the studio door at all times.