say something about ... yourself!

uh, (not saying this for "moral" reasons) arent you a little young and unmarried to have a baby? didnt you just hook up with this guy? dont you still go to college and live at home? i hope you're taking 'reality' into consideration when you decide to have it or not :erk:

im not trying to rain on your parade but i hope you think this through because its not a thing to be taken lightly like so many people do and and up regretting it later

No I understand Neal. Oddly enough, almost everyone I have told that doesn't actually know me has pulled a "Don't mean to rain on your parade but OMG get an abortion ASAP because you must have just been drunk and hooked up with someone and OMG" I am not saying you're one of those people mind you. Everyone I've told who knows me personally, and well, know that I'm making the right decision for myself.

It was probably a huge mistake on my part saying anything about it here, but, oh well.

And no I wasn't just hooking up with him, and it's not "okay" just because he's a financially stable person, he's a very decent, good person who is responsible and has the right mindset to have a child.

Indeed, I live at home, but I go to college, yes, but I also have an almost full time job and a very reasonable income. So I'm not just depending entirely on him.

Yes indeed, I am unmarried. And no I wasn't planning on this, or having irresponsible unprotected sex with the naive hope I wouldn't end up getting pregnant. I suppose you could say it was an accident on two fronts.

I am not a religiously driven person, at all. So my reasons for not being "able" to get an abortion have nothing to do with religion or "morality" it's just not the right choice for me.

And yes, I suppose I am young, turning 20 in July. But oh well. I'm not going to stop going to school. I am supposed to graduate after next Fall as it is. And I was planning on starting to get my masters but will probably go to school part time for that, depending on how this plays out.

I am definitely not taking this lightly. So if anyone on here thinks I am going to be some shit horrible parent who forgets her baby in the bath tub, you're wrong. I'm not trying to sound defensive, at all... I have just been finding myself defending myself on this.

I sadly don't know any of you in person, so I don't blame you for being appalled that I am having a baby, but if you knew me, as I said you'd most likely share the opinions of those who are closest to me.

I am actually feeling pretty at ease and happy with my decision, and wanted to share. Perhaps it was a mistake, perhaps not. I felt I might as well.


... sorry for the extremely long post I doubt anyone will read it, but I don't want anyone to think I'm contributing to the population of babies born to and raised by an irresponsible young woman who didn't take "everything" into consideration.
Did read it.

No one ever said abort the child, they simply want to be sure you're doing what's right to avoid birthing another statistic, is all. You sound level headed and seemed to have formed a plan, so the best I can say is don't let the child down and keep your word on caring to the best of your ability for it.
Then Jen, I hope you have a safe and uncomplicated pregnancy. Like David said, as you do plan on carrying this through, raise it to the very best of your ability, give the baby the best growing environment you can.

I wish you the best of luck, with the baby and the boyfriend.

That said, I hate kids. If abortions do become illegal, I'm getting in line behind Izabel.
Yeah man, looking at my sister, and how little she interacts with her kid due to her young self-centered nature, I worry when younger couples conceive.

....and that's just the thing: "at young age". I agree with you David, and I agree with neal... 100%
As much as I think that being a "young parent" is great, if I have to put that on one side of the scale, and every amazing thing I have experienced in the past 8 years since I turned 20, I would have to say the side of the past eight years of great wonderful moments, is a lot heavier...
Those years- no one can give you back, and many time people make decisions and regret them later when they turn 30-40 and realize that all of their 20's are gone.
(and really, the 20's will never come back)
You can always be a parent, but can you always be in your 20's?

With that being said....... I am far from judging you Jennifer (and we have talked, so you know that) I tink it's wonderful that you at least have a guy that is willing to go throuhg this with you and support you, and it is your decision, and yours alone.

BUT..... I hope and wish that you are thinking bout this REALLY and honestly.
Your life, as you know it, will end. No turning back.
I don;t hate kids (well, I hate most kids from retarded parents) and I know that one day I'll have some of my own, but shit, even at 28 years old, I know it's a HUGE deal that I have to be 100% ready for...
I guess it's personal. I wish you all the luck in the world Jennifer, remmeber, we are all here care for you and will support any decision you make.

I assumed as much.

Wine sappin' mah keyboard!

Dude, I had this asshole kept running in disguised as a god damn heavy trying to sap my sentries last night... we're talking 2 fort, and no heavies on my team.

I'd act oblivious for a sec, then walk behind him, and wrench his fucking ass.

Some people just suck at spying.
*shakes head* Those are the kind that make good target practice. "I need to stick an axe in someone's head... wait, that scout is moving rather slowly..."
No I understand. Thanks very much for your support people, and concern.

No one here said "GET AN ABORTION" others have though.

I guess the difference is, I really love children. Absolutely love them, and have done a lot of extended caring for infants and young children, oddly enough, the children of family members of mine around my age that weren't able to handle it.

I know my life as it exists right now is over, but it's been over since I found out that I was pregnant. I know that decisions I make, have to be for both me and my child.

And Karen I know what you mean about the 20's thing. But I don't go to parties, I don't go to clubs, I enjoy the occasional concert or show, but for the most part I am a homebody that enjoys hanging out with my friends, usually in the form of cooking some good food, sitting around and talking, watching a movie or taking walks. Pretty "boring".

But I am pretty excited about raising a child in a home that's going to be full of love and in the midst of two families who want nothing but the best for him/her, as well as two parents who are determined to do the best they can.

So I understand where you're all coming from. But I suppose since I am coming from the "Pro babies" camp... there is some understandable dissonance :cool:
with all THAT said, jen, obviously it's not the best situation to find yourself in, but i think you'll handle everything far better than 90% of teenage "parents" do and will be a great mother to your baby.
Yes, good luck to you and your baby! I really hope you've taken the right decision. You never know in the first place, but the strong believe in doing the right thing is an important first step!
Yes you have a good mind set I think you'll do great Jen, I mean it.

My slutty blonde cousin with fake tits won't leave someone get her drunk and have your way with her, just get her the fuck out of here!