say something about ... yourself!

Thank you.

a good friend of mine recently had a baby... she and the father weren't on the best of terms when she got pregnant, weren't throughout the pregnancy and he moved out a few weeks after their daughter was born. he gets the baby on the weekends, but she's working full-time, looking to get a better job and her own place (just an apartment, but it'd be better than the people she lives with now). the pregnancy was really stressful for her, but she loves her baby more than anything and loves being a parent (she can't spend as much time with the baby as she'd like to because of how much she works). i guess the baby kinda changed her for the better in a way. when we were in high school, she had a lot more responsibility than most kids that age, taking care of her dad's kids a lot, but she also did her share of stupid shit (drank a lot, did a lot of drugs) and now that's obviously over with
And friend of mine used to work at the kindergarten we've got here especially for the university students. She told me once that about 70% of the young mothers stop their studies only a few semesters after they got pregnant because they just can't manage having a child, going to work and study full on...

Oh, well nevermind. I'm going to catch some sleep now. It's already half past five in the morning, damn coffee...
Is reading about Hans Bellmer and have to admit that his work is "disturbing" in a sense until you read about his motives behind his pieces but am finding them pretty interesting... and am falling in love with Marcel Duchamp despite having always resolved to hating his "stupid not art art".

There's something just really enchanting about Duchamp's stuff. He apparently was this detached unemotional type of man, but fell in love with this sculptor Maria Martins but couldn't have her... and that this piece was about his internal struggle with wanting to be a single man, yet loving her and not being able to attain her all at once:


And when it was put into the Philadelphia Museum of Art he requested it be placed in front of a window created just for the piece, which looked out onto a courtyard where HER sculpture was... how romantic is that?

And friend of mine used to work at the kindergarten we've got here especially for the university students. She told me once that about 70% of the young mothers stop their studies only a few semesters after they got pregnant because they just can't manage having a child, going to work and study full on...

Oh, well nevermind. I'm going to catch some sleep now. It's already half past five in the morning, damn coffee...

I only have the rest of this semester to go, and then one more. I can do it! At least then I'll have my bachelors and can get my masters once I've settled in and gotten everything set up.

Only one and a half semesters to go though ::counts down::