say something about ... yourself!

Thre great hing is the not matter how much I drink, I don't give into preee r pressure. I suuuuck at spelling.
Well then set a new record for number of drinks this time, we'll have you go higher and higher until you're in the ER saying "WHERE'S THE CAMERA?! BOOBIES TIME! *BLAGGAGHAGAAGHGHHH*"
small piece of advice to keep your ass from getting jummped: my nigga = my friend, my nigger = my slave. certain charcoal coloured folk dont appreciate that ER, somewhere in the neighborhood of 100%

I live smack dab next to the ghetto, I know these things. :lol:

There are a handful of black people I know well enough to say my pals in front of though without them getting offended.
What a sell out.

yeh JD is pretty annoying. mean doctor guy is the best.

John C McGinley is one of my favorite actors but even he gets turned into a little bitch. Come on, you have a high paying job, beautiful wife, and awesome kid what the fuck are you crying about?

Everyone in this show has a sexy significant other and great job, they need to shut up and stop whining. If I was going out with Carla I would never complain about anything. The only person who doesn't turn into a little emo bitch is the Janitor. :kickass: