say something about ... yourself!

I just looked up my job title on and discovered I am making substantially less than the average pay rate for my title in this area. Very disappointing. Time to ask for a raise.
I just looked up my job title on and discovered I am making substantially less than the average pay rate for my title in this area. Very disappointing. Time to ask for a raise.

Every job I've had I'm always making substantially less than what the internet says I should be making... Then again, I've always worked for a bunch of jews.
Show them the site!
I only just found about the site because my manager asked me earlier today what I was making and if I've ever gotten a raise. I told him no and he was appalled. He said that he uses as leverage for negotiating raises when he needs. He already told me he's going to get the ball rolling for me on it because he feels I definitely deserve it. This is the same guy that got the ball rolling for and eventually got us these new computers, so when he says he going to do something he gets it done. Good dude, I'm glad he's on my side.
Every job I've had I'm always making substantially less than what the internet says I should be making... Then again, I've always worked for a bunch of jews.
I'll let you know if this works. If it does... you gotta try it!
That's kind of my minimum goal. 10k more than what I make now is what the lowest 10% of people here with my job are making. Twice what I currently make is the average. How much does that suck? haha

It really is ridiculous. This company is pretty much getting me for free when you look at it from the perspective of what I do for them. Cheap white labor, I guess.
so i finally find a good working microsoft word, I get writer's block.

finally I get over writer's block, and now my printer doesn't work.

and I just spliced through my cuticle.

That's kind of my minimum goal. 10k more than what I make now is what the lowest 10% of people here with my job are making. Twice what I currently make is the average. How much does that suck? haha

It really is ridiculous. This company is pretty much getting me for free when you look at it from the perspective of what I do for them. Cheap white labor, I guess.

Pretty much what I'm used for too... Aside from the fact I get paid for overtime.

And I just know that if I ask for a raise, they'll give it to me, but then put me on Salary, which I'd be working 12 hours some days and getting paid for 8.

So I'm refraining for it for the time being. Salary workers in manufacturing get fucked in the ass typically, as overtime is needed often.

Not to mention I'm getting paid for the next few weeks that the plant is shutdown as a money saving option when business is slow. Tends to get really slow from now till late may, and then picks up in june till around march. With the highest point being in January for some reason.
Pretty much what I'm used for too... Aside from the fact I get paid for overtime.

And I just know that if I ask for a raise, they'll give it to me, but then put me on Salary, which I'd be working 12 hours some days and getting paid for 8.

So I'm refraining for it for the time being. Salary workers in manufacturing get fucked in the ass typically, as overtime is needed often.

Not to mention I'm getting paid for the next few weeks that the plant is shutdown as a money saving option when business is slow. Tends to get really slow from now till late may, and then picks up in june till around march. With the highest point being in January for some reason.
Definite con when on salary. The clock hits 5:30 and I just want to go home... but if my work for the day isn't done it doesn't happen. If I made 10k more per year, I wouldn't care as much haha. I think salary is good for some types of jobs but bad for others (like manufacturing).
I have been at my new job for about 4 weeks and things are more confusing now than when I started. I'm doing payroll for a manufacturing company with 100 union workers in the shop and 50 non-union people in the office. Payroll got moved from Accounting to the HR department (which opened up my job). There is a new Controller (head accountant) so the guy who used to do payroll is no longer there. The HR guy just left last week, so there is a new HR person (she seems competent, but knows nothing about the company so isn't much help).

They just started variable shifts (5 8-hour days, 4 10-hour days, 3 12-hour days, day and swing shift). Some of these shifts get paid lunches, others don't. Some of the departments in those paid-lunch shifts don't get paid lunches. They have over 250 temporary employees in the shop, also spread out among the variable shifts and who seem to switch shifts and departments with no warning whatsoever. To make this mass of confusion even worse is that between the Accounting and HR people leaving, nobody seems to know who is supposed to do what and I keep getting different answers to my questions. There are about 12 different sets of rules to go by and I had to redo almost a third of last week's payroll because of bad info I got from the on-his-way-out-the-door HR guy. i don't know if he was purposely sabotaging things or was just a fucking idiot (I'm guessing the latter).

If it hadn't taken me almost 9 months to find a decent job, I would have quit this place already.
Is thinking "oh my god I'm so fucking good at guitar" when I play guitar, egotistical if I really am really fucking good at guitar?

also stoned
well sometimes when you're high you think you've come up with the grooviest riffage of all time, then the next day when you play it/tune your guitar it has somehow lost its magic.
yeah I've done that, this was more listening to songs and just improving solos and watch my hand like "whoa how am I rocking and shredding so hard? this is amazing" like I just fucking owned jim morris on watching over me