say something about ... yourself!

So I like to think I'm a moralistic guy. I do things based on principle and training.

I'm a great bartender. I have more complements than any other person at our bar/resturant. I have more regulars that ask for me than any other person. Today was the last straw. I've been getting shit on since I've gotten back after my shoulder separation. The two bartenders I trained exclusively, have taken over my job. I get maybe 2 shifts a week.

Morals. So we have a lodge, that is open to 19+ (Legal drinking age) and I like to abide by said rules, based on the fact that it's illegal otherwise, and the liquor licence of the resturant can be taken away otherwise. Today, a few servers and a bartender (2 servers being underage) sat in the lodge, and drank, with the GM knowing that they were underage (I overheard the conversation between the GM and the server serving them, which went more or less with, "Is it okay if I server so and so some alcohol, even though they're under 19?") So anyways, I had no idea these shots/drinks were going to their table until later on, so I went ahead and made the drinks. Anyways this is the last straw. I can't take it anymore. The GM and a few bartenders drink, behind the bar and in the kitchen on shift, all the time. I've told people off for it more times than not.

With all this happening, I'm in fear of my job, more my livelihood, if this continues. I sat down with one of the managers and a supervisor tonight, told them how I felt, and that if it didn't change, they'd loose me. I don't get enough credit there. I really don't. I get pushed around by the GM and Kitchen Manager, only because I don't approve of their rules with the alcohol consumption on shift.

I don't know, maybe I'm over reacting. But I really need to find a new job. I have one lined up, but right now I'm next on the list for bartending... I don't know. It's just been a rough night.

So, I put my 2 weeks notice in yesterday. My last day of work there will be May 18th.
About an hour ago, I was smoking a fatty about 25 feet from Neal Peart, just launching into his epic drum solo.

What'd you do tonight? ;)
If you want, I can start listing off all the musicians I've actually smoked fattys with.