say something about ... yourself!

*shrug* i guess just the different "faces" i have to put on - mainly just the sensitivites i have to have in certain places - what i can say on here versus what i can say around the people i work with... or it could just be that i'm actually around people at all... like, i think that i've "come out of my shell" and gotten more confidence and whatnot but then it really doesn't seem that much like it.

no fucking idea.
Playing Freak Licks Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian arpeggios.

They're fucking hard, feel like I'm getting carpal tunnel doing it half speed.
Which scale should I learn if I was only going to learn one full scale? In my four years of guitar I've only bothered with pentatonics and major scale, thus my subpar improvising.
I recommend Major and Minor, in all keys. All positions. Throw your own flavor in it though, a bad habit I have is playing a C Major scale all around the neck. Only a year of playing though, closing in on two; shouldn't be too hard to remedy.

Then move on to the -ians. Also, nothing wrong with Pentatonic solo'ing.

EDIT: If you have a teacher he has probably already told you this, but when you play stuff that is not your own, zero in on that ONE song. I have a terrible habit of playing a bunch of different licks from a bunch of different bands.
Ooh list Kevin! :) and add any interesting tales please!
Well the only one I'll name personally is Shavo from System of a Down because he's very open about it. I don't know how the others would feel about being named personally on the internet, and although I'm sure it's not a big deal, I'm not going to disrespect anybody.

As for an interesting tale, the best one I can think of is a particular band from Canada that really sucks now. About 6 years ago we were on their bus burnin down, and they had their producer with them. After bowl #1, the bassist said some shit to the producer in French and pointed at the weed we had provided. They looked very excited about it and you could tell they were saying they really liked it. I was extremely drunk at this point too and I had to piss SOOOOO BAD. I asked them if I could use the bathroom on the bus and they said no haha. So I decided I could wait a few minutes. The bus door opens and in prances this chick that I know. There was nowhere to sit on the bus, so she's like "Oh I'll just sit on Kevin's lap!" and before I could object, she plopped her ass down and just about made me piss myself. I was like 'Hey, here have my seat, I'm out." So I got up and stumbled out of the bus, fat plume of smoke behind me, and into a crowd of people waiting to talk to the band haha. Went and found an alley and drained the main vein.

After the show, we were trying to find this house party in West Seattle and only I knew where it was at. Problem is, I was so wasted that I couldn't even talk. I just mumbled and pointed and we drove around for like an hour and never found it. Eventually we went home. I threw up out the car at one point. Steve gave me props for not getting any of it on or in his car. I think that's the most wasted I've ever been at a show. I'm surprised I remember as much of it as I do.
Wait no the most wasted I've ever been at a show was the Enemies of Reality cd release show. I bet Warrel could tell you about that one haha.