say something about ... yourself!


I'm just sitting here at my desk working, listening to Infected Mushroom. I've been preparing to talk to my boss about some important stuff for about a week or so and to be completely honest, it's not the kind of conversation you really look forward to. It's more of a "I have to do this even though I don't really want to" type scenario. So, I decided today was the day and when I went to his office, he wasn't there. I went back a little bit later and he was busy with others, so I came back to my desk and emailed him asking if we could sit down and chat sometime today or tomorrow. So then I was sitting here anticipating his reply and I just now got it. Nothing special, we're gonna meet up tomorrow... but here's the weirdness:

Once I closed the his reply email, my body instantly got a super case of the chills and as soon as they went away, I felt really, really good and relieved and smiled a huge one for no real reason. It was like it was the tension of that anticipation exited my body through those chills. I'm no longer stressing or even really thinking about the "talk" anymore. Even though we haven't had it yet, it feels like it's over with.

I think this means the hardest part is now over. Now there's no turning back, no pussing out. Now it will definitely happen, and there's an interesting feeling of calm in knowing that.

Brains and bodies and how they work together are fucking amazing.
The rook piercing I just had done managed to get itself infected, badly. I've never had problems with any of my piercings. But my ear is still about three times it's normal size all definition is gone in the ridges of my cartilage.

Needless to say I realized I had a fever, my ear was red, purple, swollen and hot to the touch. So I went to the doctor, then the hospital, the piece of jewelry was very small in a difficult spot, neither the doctor or hospital had the right tools (not a surprise) to remove the barbell, which was almost entirely sunken into my ear.

It was obviously badly infected, and (que sarcasm) lucky me, spread to my blood! YAY! So I am on all kinds of antibiotics. I had to get Scott to drive me back to where I got it pierced to have the jewelery removed, to their horror haha, then BACK to the doctor to have it cleaned out, drained and... pick up my prescriptions.

I am bewildered. This all happened overnight. It had been sore, but normal as far as a cartilage piercing healing. So it's not like I let this go.

I am officially turned off to piercings. No more for me. Even though the removal of the barbell brought DELICIOUS relief, it still hurts, is swollen, red, oozing, and my blood is still infected.


I'm just sitting here at my desk working, listening to Infected Mushroom. I've been preparing to talk to my boss about some important stuff for about a week or so and to be completely honest, it's not the kind of conversation you really look forward to. It's more of a "I have to do this even though I don't really want to" type scenario. So, I decided today was the day and when I went to his office, he wasn't there. I went back a little bit later and he was busy with others, so I came back to my desk and emailed him asking if we could sit down and chat sometime today or tomorrow. So then I was sitting here anticipating his reply and I just now got it. Nothing special, we're gonna meet up tomorrow... but here's the weirdness:

Once I closed the his reply email, my body instantly got a super case of the chills and as soon as they went away, I felt really, really good and relieved and smiled a huge one for no real reason. It was like it was the tension of that anticipation exited my body through those chills. I'm no longer stressing or even really thinking about the "talk" anymore. Even though we haven't had it yet, it feels like it's over with.

I think this means the hardest part is now over. Now there's no turning back, no pussing out. Now it will definitely happen, and there's an interesting feeling of calm in knowing that.

Brains and bodies and how they work together are fucking amazing.

It is amazing. And I know that "empowered" feeling of which you speak. Good luck though, I hope it all works out. Report back sir :)

This photo will tell you all you need to know.
Did you get a pic of that clown bitch?

no, but I saw her.

WTF was that getup?

and not only that, when I got there, I went to the front of the line to look for will call, and she's giving me these looks like I wasn't supposed to be there.

Honey, the ICP covention is the other way.