say something about ... yourself!

Laura it seems like you are just constantly ill. Have you maybe thought about seeing a medical professional? It could even be psychosomatic. Hope ye feel better pretty soon though.

p.s ure aids is tasty.
Ahahah. Her AND the 40-something waist-high skirt vampire lady? Oh the characters that come out at night.

and the one in the heels and cowboy hat!

and all the older goth women?

that was creepy. I almost thought we were at a Hellyeah show.

Although why would we be at a Hellyeah show? :lol:
There were ALOT of 40+ year old people there. One of which I suspected of trying to feel up Emily.

Yeah. While she was being felt up by her man-buddy-thing. An awkward experience to be sure.

PS. I'm formulating a one panel comic involving the anthropomorphication (is that a word?) of Krispy Kremes and garlic. It should be splendid.
Make it erotic, submit it to 4chan and be revolted to the fact that people will beat off to it.
It's a critical analysis (something I haven't done in a loooong time) on a book called No Logo by Naomi Klein. My thesis is as follows:

Logos aren't the problem that needs to be addressed, but rather the Corporation and those of power with which it aligns itself. These groups create a ruling ideology that has infected not just the market, but also the lives of everyone.

The problem is I don't know where to go from here, really. I feel like I should, but I just can't think of where to begin. I have a few other writers I need to use in connection with the book, but I'm still at a lose.
well, i tried not to make a habit of it, but i got a lot out of that "last minute rush" - nothing, nothing, nothing, and then at like 10pm the night before the paper was due BOOM, stuff!

That's where I at now. :erk:

That sounds remarkably dull.

I didn't like the book, though.

I didn't really read it as much as skimmed through each of the chapters and sections, but I enjoy what I read. I like reading Klein's work as depressing as it can be.

I just worry that my analysis will be a reiteration of the book and turn into a summary of sorts.