say something about ... yourself!

....and you call me weak.

I'm still trying to figure out why you don't like me.

Is it because I rub your questionable opinions and taste in music on your face every chance I get?

Is it because I'm ridiculously good looking and take care of myself resulting in being called a "metrosexual"?

Is it because maybe I'm a little leaner than some people?

Is it because you're bitter because your life sucks and see how happy I am?

..or maybe it's because I got be the guitarist in Will's band and you're just jealous and bitter about that?

This is multiple choice.
just give peace a chance, guys.
....and you call me weak.

I'm still trying to figure out why you don't like me.

Is it because I rub your questionable opinions and taste in music on your face every chance I get?

Is it because I'm ridiculously good looking and take care of myself resulting in being called a "metrosexual"?

Is it because maybe I'm a little leaner than some people?

Is it because you're bitter because your life sucks and see how happy I am?

..or maybe it's because I got be the guitarist in Will's band and you're just jealous and bitter about that?

This is multiple choice.

No no. It's just your views of musicianship. And I don't really hate you, I'm sure we'd get along fabulously in person.

Although sometimes you're a bit arrogant.

Edit-Actually yes to all of the above.

eh, yeah, john just needs to lay off the drugs. he really was super-nice in person, dunno why pills + internet = him being a belligerant douche
He's said himself multiple times that he thinks he has social anxiety disorder. That, coupled with the fact that it's always easier to say what you really feel online without having to deal with the reactions caused by your words (and the ability to backtrack into "you obviously missed my sarcasm" land) is probably why he's so different on the internet than than the outernet.

I always thought John was totally awesome and never understood why he feels like he doesn't mix well with others in social settings. I still think he's awesome actually, but lately he's been dickin' it up online and going way overboard with the drugs and alcohol. I've given him words of what I consider decent advice that I think could help him, but I get the impression they go in one ear and out the other. I just hope he doesn't end up fucking himself over. It's always scary to see a 17 year old going so hard with the drugs and booze, especially in addition an overall negative outlook on life. I also hope my perception in regards to the last part of that last sentence is wrong.

Please don't turn into a tweaker John :erk:
has incredible back pain.

Possibly due to lifting that 200 pound dog.

fucking assholes for letting that dog get so big, and the groomer didn't even get a tip, not even a thank you
