say something about ... yourself!

He's said himself multiple times that he thinks he has social anxiety disorder. That, coupled with the fact that it's always easier to say what you really feel online without having to deal with the reactions caused by your words (and the ability to backtrack into "you obviously missed my sarcasm" land) is probably why he's so different on the internet than than the outernet.

I always thought John was totally awesome and never understood why he feels like he doesn't mix well with others in social settings. I still think he's awesome actually, but lately he's been dickin' it up online and going way overboard with the drugs and alcohol. I've given him words of what I consider decent advice that I think could help him, but I get the impression they go in one ear and out the other. I just hope he doesn't end up fucking himself over. It's always scary to see a 17 year old going so hard with the drugs and booze, especially in addition an overall negative outlook on life. I also hope my perception in regards to the last part of that last sentence is wrong.

Please don't turn into a tweaker John :erk:

Actually I got over a good deal of my social anxiety disorder when I started hanging out with more people a few months ago. Although I'm so used to Houston folk I was pretty damn nervous meeting other Neverboarders. Most of the time I'm a douche it's when we're discussing music...but I'll try to keep my mouth shut.

Please don't worry about me so much guys, it makes me feel really guilty. I <3 you all and I'll be fine.
I think I may quit Macy's this Saturday, hand in my quittin' letter on my way out. It's kind of hard to explain the way I feel there. It's not all that bad, but it doesn't make me happy at all either. Plus there are some typical retail irks that I could do without. I don't need the job, so, heh. People have been quitting on the spot like mad.

I'm applying for some other jobs in the meantime.
I'd probably die if I was jobless, hahah I need money!!!

plus I like waking up mornings, there's something great about feeling the morning air. Except when I only get around 4 hrs of sleep,ha.
45 minutes (without traffic) for two months. no thanks. after traveling an hour and a half each way for almost a year and a half, i want no more than a 15 minute commute.
45 minutes (without traffic) for two months. no thanks. after traveling an hour and a half each way for almost a year and a half, i want no more than a 15 minute commute.
OK that makes more sense haha. I thought you meant you would love to do it, but didn't wanna drive 45 minutes ONCE a year for it :lol:
Haven't been posting here much in the last months because I've been caught up in lots of workage at the airwaves.... not that anyone would care, 'cause I've never "settled down" here. :lol:

Anyway, right now I'm trying to get a grip on my lousy English after my 8th beer. Been lucky to have a day off tomorrow after lots of bugging. Setting out for a little tour over the weekend with the band... yay!

Some random thoughts before I pass out on my sleepiness:

@Det Som/John: I really like that you are so straight up about your opinion concerning music. But that's not the point why people are worried about you... keep your head up!

@ct_thrash/Cara: Are you completely done with school/college/whatever? Just the thought about working at a place like Macy's in such a position frustrates me. I could never do that over a long period...

@Shpongled/Kevin: I've read your thread about the new Metallica the other day and your first comment (the e-mail you sent to one of your band mates) just hit the nail. Exactly my thoughts!

@Will Bozarth: Yay, Candlemass! :Smokin: Is Björkman going to be there?

And: I have to commute 3 hours a day if I take the train... :erk: