say something about ... yourself!

You should take her to your finals, ifyaknowwhatimean
When I talked to the powers that be and expressed my extreme disconent for the obviously hottest girl of all not making the finals, they told me "well hey, at least now you can hit on her. If she'd made it all the way through and became a Rock Girl, she'd be off limits!"

So I guess not all is lost!

Also, just got back from Beer For Lunch. Had some Terminator Stout... feeling gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!

I was just asking him for a 10k per year raise. I didn't say it here in the first place because I didn't wanna jinx myself haha.

No word yet. We shall see what happens.

edit: but yeah, we talked and it was totally cool.
Rusty's home from his morning/afternoon at the vet. They said he played in the tub when they bathed him, aww. He does seem to be a little lethargic, as they said the mange dip might make him for a day or two. But complaints there :p