say something about ... yourself!

He actually likes going to the vet! He behaves so well.

But...he's got mange :(

The vet said he's had it since before we got him (pups get it from their mother or littermates), but still it's not very bad yet. He gets to stay at the vet all day for a mange shampoo and dip. Poor pup :(
Yeah, well, I hope so. The vet doesn't seem too worried, as he's seen this a million times. Rusty gets a bath and mange dip today, then we bathe him with a special shampoo a week from today, then the week after that he goes back in for another skin scrape.

Apparently it's normal for dogs to always have a small number of mange mites. But actual "mange" occurs when their immune system isn't good enough to keep them under control, i.e. when they're a puppy.
Seeing Carlin tonight... been pretty excited all week for this! Plus I'm gonna grub down at the greatest Mexican restaurant to ever grace the earth, The Red Iguana.

Look at that fucking menu... thats why its considered the best Mexican place in the US.


Even danny fucking glover eats there. There's like 12 pictures of him on the wall from what I can remember, haha.
Well Steve, as long as we're being "blunt", I have friends here. I could have things planned that don't involve intoxication for all you know.

I try to get you to meet people but you never want to.

Aww don't be poopy John. You've got to realize, from most of your posts it seems like:

1. You don't like Houston or the friends you have there.
2. You spend a dangerous amount of your time with drugs & alcohol.

That could be all wrong, but we're only concerned about you cuz we care.
I'm sorry I <3 you guys.

I'm in a very bad mood today because my car went from barely working to not working at all, my dad said he'd help me fix it but after his little cocaine or heroin fueled outburst yesterday I'm sure that won't happen.
Well I'm trying to find a job. Al just got one, but they didn't like me so I don't think I got it. But at least we won't be broke anymore. The first thing I'm going to buy is Praises to the war machine! YAY! :( I will probably be the last of all of us to get my hands on it.

Other then that I'm grumpy most of the time so it's good that I stay away from most humans of late.
I'm sorry I <3 you guys.

I'm in a very bad mood today because my car went from barely working to not working at all, my dad said he'd help me fix it but after his little cocaine or heroin fueled outburst yesterday I'm sure that won't happen.

Our car is also dead, so are the tags it does really suck. Hold your dad to it, and bug him to death. :( I hope he keeps his promise.
Nah, I'm never talking to him again after what he said to me. He's down in San Benito shooting up anyway.

I just need to figure out how to fix a "cylinder misfire" or something.