say something about ... yourself!

I take back my negative Indy comments. I saw it again yesterday and it's pretty cool. I like what they've done with it. It's entertaining.
Welllllllll, I've just been grossed out for a lifetime.

I had another one of those hard things in the back of my throat, one of those calcified things on the tonsil that David mentioned. Got my q-tip, dipped it in salt, started scrubbing. Then I was poking around in my mouth trying to find it again (watching myself in the mirror with a flashlight pointed in my mouth) AND ALL THESE GROSS THINGS START POPPING OUT OF MY TONSIL.

I thought "Oh no! Worm eggs!" I managed to save four of them. The rest I either swallowed or spit out. Oh god, it's so gross. And I take good care of my mouth.

I think I need my tonsils out already :(
So I did some reading. Yep, just sounds like I have a typical case of infected tonsils. Too bad I don't have any health insurance. Maybe I shant have any more of these foul things spring forth out of my throat :erk:


And that's not all of them!

Jeez I feel like vomiting.
Oh man Cara that's brutal :( feel better. I hope no more nasty yellow pebbles come out of your mouth :cry:

In other news, as I had said my man and I broke up because he was listening to a fucking idiot. He and I talked a lot on the phone today. Almost immediately after breaking up, he started calling me, and I ignored him, which was hard. He is back in New York later tonight, and we're going to get together tomorrow. It looks as though he has come to his senses. I can understand where he was coming from with his worries, but... they were pretty unsubstantiated. There was just a lot of stress and tension between us after I had a miscarriage, we both felt guilty as though we did something wrong, he is way stressed with work, and we argued extensively over the phone instead of waiting until he gets home.

So I feel a lot better. It was ridiculous, he is without a doubt the person I want to spend my life with, and he claims the same, and unlike other douches I have been with, he actually cares.

So... wish me luck. It's odd I feel nervous about it because I miss him because he was away doing a job, and we broke up, which is ridiculous unto itself. Yet he is the one who is doing the crawling back, humbling himself and apologizing.

Given what you said when you broke up I got the impression he was a spineless chap. I sorta think he needed to show his true colours when it mattered, and it sounds like he shrunk away. If this is what you feel is right though, then I wish you all the best.

Hugs too.
i totally knew that would happen, so i refrained from ex-bashing! stress and crazy broads feeding bs in your ear can cause irrational action! good luck jen!
Thank you. Yeah he definitely isn't a spineless faggot. He's definitely one of the most stand up, awesome men I have ever known period. But everyone has freakouts. I mean, I got pregnant unplanned, relatively early in our official relationship-dom, and he didn't pull any immature shit, he was there every single step of the way and I definitely will let him prove himself. Mmhm. Thanks guys so much.
don't take him back until he buys an oversized 80's boombox and some peter gabriel tapes, and well, let's hope the correct course of action comes to him.