say something about ... yourself!

The bloody thing won't show the folders/files I just added to my music. Before I got the error message about burning software interfering or some crap, but I reinstalled it. The message is gone, but it still won't function properly.

I'm afraid to uninstall the think for fear of losing my playlists and such. :(
thoughts while in the shower:

"Maybe when i go back to school, i'll be a forensics major or something. I love all those true crime shows and am fascinated by autopsies and the way that they figure things out using the smallest details. That'd be so awesome! And it'd probobly get me a really good secure job and even help me out a lot with my writing! I'm totally gonna do this! ... Wait ... they probobly use a lot of math. Shit. Bye-bye, nice job ... FUCK, CANDLEMASS WAS SO AWESOME!!"

and people say metalheads are directionless :loco:

Do eet! That's what I studied for a year. Until I got tired of all the math and decapitated babies. :err:

I'm going back to school this summer, only two of my credits will transfer so I have to take some classes again. I'll probably take whatever I can at the community college and UTD and go to the funeral institute here. Not as fun as forensics, but you still get to play with bodies! I help out a friend of mine at a funeral home sometimes but it's going to take a loooong time to get used to stuff. Like wheeling out bodies in nursing homes in front of all of the residents, being on call 24/7, and hauling 400 pound bodies down 4 flights of stairs in the August heat.
I think I'd prefer that job to most normal ones. You should definitely do it! Better dead than alive, because at least they're more polite that way.
Home on a Friday night. This whole week has been so lax... I haven't done a damn thing all week. I think the most I did was drive to my ex-work to pick up my pay stub. That'd be it. I've sat, in my house coat... both on the computer and on my couch, all week. Played a ton of video games, read a couple books, did nothing on the computer (like usual... anyone else notice how you can sit and waste hours on the computer and not have anything to show for yourself? Or even explain what the hell you've been doing?) and made tons and tons of food. I seriously look like I've actually GAINED weight in the past few days, regardless of me going to the gym.

I tell ya, it's been great... Though sadly I've done so much of it lately. was off work over a month ago for 5 weeks due to my shoulder injury... except that wasn't as much fun. More a mixture of tripping out and being heavily sedated. (weed and oxycodone :D) Last year I was off work for several months due to my back injury. At least then I had a girl to keep me company.

Anyways, I'll be back to work in a week or two, but until then... SOMEONE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!
hmm... forensics stuff involves entirely too much math for me to be able to do it. *sigh* it seems like a cool idea but i know i wouldn't seriously be able to do it. maybe i can just make friends with some other forensics majors and watch some autopsies!

got to leave work early and went to the gym for the first time in almost a month (stupid cold/sinus infection/allergies). was listening to king of the gray islands on the way home and the version of "solitude" with rob lowe singing came on just as i was getting to my house so i wound up passing my house and driving around another five minutes just to listen to the song :lol:

also... this guy i work with is so ridiculously good looking. jesus.
Tried to bathe in a standard sized tub. The absurdity of a wall of meat in that tiny basin was the stuff of college comedies. Next time, I get a 7 footer with dragon feet.

Also, we have a cat that old too. She's been coming out of hiding less and less. I think it's very close to that fate. Damn cats and their hiding to die.
Only talked Ramses into letting me hold him once. Such a skittish beast. He needs to get better, I'm going to talk him into it again next time around.