say something about ... yourself!

am hungry. bah i have to be awake again in seven hours. it'll probobly take me an hour to fall asleep, more than likely i'll wake up a few hours later and be awake for another hour. and then i have to work. fie.
yeeeah. not like i'm doing anything else worthwhile.

and really, it's not terrible once i get there, as i really do enjoy working with the people there and the work isn't really trying, it just gets tedious and at times things are really inconvenient, blah blah blah. going in early is just a bitch. but it does mean that i leave earlier so score one for me.

and i've got this ulcer on the side of my tongue at the way back and it hurts like a bitch whenever i swallow. fuuuck.
Had one of those just overall awesome days. Took a jog this morning, worked in the office a bit, class was awesome, a certain someone cooked dinner for me, quite romantic, sexy ti- I mean romance ensued, lots, and lots, took a bubble bath, was just reading, I had a snickers bar for desert haha... looking forward to upcoming projects at work ::squee::
i just realized how long it's been since i've actually contacted any of the friends i had in pittsburgh (texts, facebook, etc) ... at this point, i can say with 99.9% certainty that i'll never see any of them again but... is that what you do? do you just fade away from people like that?
i'm drunk. haven't been so near to passing out in a while. thank goodness denny's saved me1 i don't remember what it* tasted like though

*whatever i had at denny's
Better Denny's than some other places. Can you recall what all you guys drank? I'm bored, so I'm up for epic drinking stories.
oh not so epic. fags only had budweisers and newcastles. well lane had one shot of jager that i bought him. from what i recall i had a rum & coke, shot of jager, a stella, a blue moon, and a jager bomb. think that was it, but on a slightly empty stomach. that rum & coke was stronnng though, & our waitress was very pregnant.
Newcastle is acceptable. Haha pregnancy... I do hope when her water breaks, it does it in the restaurant, and like something out of Coneheads. Best trip to Denny's ever.
Coneheads birthing at a bar BAD. And is it me or does food taste better when the drink keeps you from walking a straight line?
i dunno i was too far gone to taste the food. all i knew was i need something bready to soak up the alcohol so i got french toast..

and of course the homosexualty between lane and baig was very high tonight.
Wouldn't expect anything less from them. It'd be like asking me to stop being so tall.

I don't think I've had french toast in years... just too lazy to order or make it. Heh, how long do you think you'll sleep?