say something about ... yourself!

My feet are killing me:

Yesterday, my car ran out of gas on my way back home from work. Of course, not the best thing if you're still in a suburban area and you're breaking down all across a bike way... the cops don't necessarily like this, they tend to get all emo about that.

So I ran to the next gas station... which was a fuckin' hour away, bought a jerry can and some gas and ran back. :lol: Luckily, I was faster than the cops. But I got a huge Blister on my foot that hurt like hell.

When I was back home, I went with some friends to an open-air bath, just to walk bare-footed into a piece of broken glass. :erk: Went to see the doctor and he fixed my foot best he could.

So today, hardly being able to walk, I had to run around the damn city center with a mic and a huge recorder just to ask a kazillion people about the upcoming semi-finals of the euro cup AND the state of women's emancipation... WTF?? :lol:

So, so wrong...
Dude.........whatever. I don't give a fuck about what you say......I was simply sharing something about myself. Whatever. You don't know a goddamn thing about me nor do I care if you care or move along.

If you didn't care you wouldn't be defending yourself so furiously. Anyways, not sure where you're from but most people don't introduce themselves with that kind of intimate information. Most of the time it means nothing else then that the person in question has no other intent then being an exhibitionist without actually contributing anything of value.

starting an argument with "whatever" makes any argument you've been making so far valid to nil.

a guy that my dad worked with and was friends with died of a heart attack today. oddly enough, he was in a home depot (not the one i work at, though that place could very well kill someone, i'm sure) when he had his heart attack.

dad's out of town right now and won't be back until thursday evening. one of his coworkers told him and my mom said he sounded really upset when she talked to him. we had dinner with some friends of my dad's from work. the guy who died was the head of the garden dept at the place they work at and, apparently, my dad might be the one to take over the department.
just discovered that bat castle is opening for deceased in austin on july 9th. cool! too bad i work that theory we could make it down in time if we left right as i got out of work, but, hmm.
Interesting thread indeed today. It took me forever to catch up! hheheh

Hey Jace, did you flip your matress recently? Sometimes it works but we had a shitty bed where it didn't matter how many times you flipped it. It still sucked.

Man, I feel rotten and a bad friend today, but I feel like I had to do it. I had to take Ham-Bone, at least temporarily off my top friends list on my space. :( I'm just getting sick her hoochie avatars. If it was sexy that would be one thing but it seems she doesnt know the difference between ugh, and sexy. I had her in the 2nd spot right up front and center. When I looked at my page I was mortified this time. She is my best friend in the world has been since I was 12 years old, and is very dear to me. Normally her antics do not bother me. But this one annoyed me, because It was real bad. :yuk: