say something about ... yourself!

It's lavishly written and directed, as well as historically engaging, well pitched and for the most part is spot on with its depictions. They've also managed to insert the stories of Pullo and Vorenus quite expertly, making them interesting characters, without being too offensive to the historical veracity of the series. On the whole it's superbly acted, adding genuine human drama to perplexing and exciting events.

The lives of Pullo and Vorenus occasionally err into less exciting territory (I found it hard to care about Vorenus's children in series 2, but I understand why they were necessary to characterise him, especially in that series). The females add a soap-opera quality to the proceedings, but given what we know of some Late Republican women, it's not entirely unwarranted. The female Claudii and Sempronii, I am thinking of particuarly. Marcus Crassus is nowhere to be seen, and despite dying in 53, gets no mention (although his son does, fleetingly). Marcus Agrippa is poorly constructed characterwise, for the depiction seems to be nothing like the robust Agrippa of our sources.

On the whole though, I do love it.
well i dont have the 'classics bug' to your standards im sure, but i do like books/movies/shows of 'historical fiction' and i do like tits and blood and sword fights.
He practically rapes a chick on a kitchen table too, as well as bashing a guys head off a pillar until he dies.

He talks about sex quite a bit too. Oh and buggers Cleopatra.
They cast her really well. The sources attest to her being not insanely beautiful but rather so alluring you could not say no. It's weird how she manages to be so alluring, despite perhaps being conventionally unattractive.
I've been feeling very dull and uninspired lately. It feels like my brain is slowly trudging uphill, exerting the most minimal amount of effort in order to keep going. The hill seems long and never-ending. Hopefully the ol noggin reaches the top soon. This kinda sucks.