say something about ... yourself!

Yep, that seems to be a similar sort of thing. I read that loads of people suffer from it. Mine smell quite pleasant, as do many others, but a few are disgusting. It's weird.
My sneezes have a floral aroma to them, it's only started happening recently. Apparently it's an underground phenomenon, making me a member of a small group of afflicted flower scented sneezers around the world.

There seems to be no firm answer as to why it's happening. Apparently bacteria could be an answer, possibly stemming from a change in mouth washing habits (of which none has occurred) or it may be some sort of infection, yet I feel absolutely fine. What a bizarre happening.

Shyamalan should have made a movie about that.

Derick's sneezes smell like cinnamon! ALWAYS!
I thought she was just crazy, I never smell it! I suppose because I blow it out of my nose so it's not there for me to smell. So I'm googling it and finding out there's a whole lot of people out there with sneezes that smell like rotting butts. THANK GOODNESS IT'S JUST CINNAMON.

also a bunch of people say they smell like honey or flowers.
GOOD GOD. I just got back from the emergency vet. Ramses was diagnosed with asthma about a month ago and got a shot, he's been fine since. Today he had been breathing heavily so I called the vet for some pills like he told me to do. I gave him one in his food tonight but he wouldn't eat it and started wheezing really badly. I opened his mouth and gave him the pill and he swallowed it, but about a minute later he threw it up. Then he started wheezing REALLY badly and had his mouth gaping open, fell over on his side and started heaving for air. I freaked the fuck out, screamed for Peter, grabbed him and ran to the car in the pouring rain. We flew to the emergency vet where they took him back there and listened to him and gave him two shots. He looked so fucking bad, he was just laying on the table, not moving with his eyes glazed over and barely breathing. They said we could give him oxygen there overnight ....for 1000 dollars. After a few minutes he was breathing easier so we brought him back home and he's sleeping in my mom's room tonight where he can be away from the rest of the animals.

God I hate emergency vets. Someone brought their puppy in and as the vet was looking at him in the lobby, he just laid down and died. I could hear another dog crying and crying in one of the rooms and suddenly it just stopped. UGH. I'm such an emotional wreck right now, but I'm so grateful that we were able to bring him home when two other couples there lost their animals. He seems to be doing better but I'm calling my vet in the morning because this is bullshit, he needs to be on some kind of preventative. Poor kitteh.

I'm glad the Ramses is ok. I don't know how I would have dealt with such a night. Hugs and love to the kitteh, and you too. You deserve it after such an ordeal as much as Ramses. :(
We never did go on that road trip. Al's Niece decided she didn't want to go unless her grandma is taking her and stays in Dayton with her. Well, guess what. Al's mom is taking her home tomorrow and staying in Dayton for awhile. I'm a wee bit disappointed. I wanted to get away for a day. And oh no, I'm not going with them. If I went I would never get back home for two weeks. Of course I was asked to go, and I said no. At least Alex and I would be coming right back and I wouldn't be marooned if we didn't'.

As far as today goes I'm exhausted. Cleaned the shit out of this house, and it better stay that way!:bah:
Derick's sneezes smell like cinnamon! ALWAYS!

I thought she was just crazy, I never smell it! I suppose because I blow it out of my nose so it's not there for me to smell. So I'm googling it and finding out there's a whole lot of people out there with sneezes that smell like rotting butts. THANK GOODNESS IT'S JUST CINNAMON.

also a bunch of people say they smell like honey or flowers.


Yep, mine is floral with a hint of cinnamon!!! How weird is this? When I read up about it some people suffer from sneezes that smell like rubbish, or like rotting flesh :)ill:!), yet we get the pleasant version.

I couldn't believe how many people have the same thing.
I have never heard of this. I get no aroma from mine nor have I ever been told mine smell like anything. You guys are fucking freaks!

I did know a guy that could smell people really well. He could smell it when a girl was on her period even if she just walked by. He said diabetics reeked and almost made him sick when he was near them.