say something about ... yourself!

Well, I'm not permitted to go into too much detail, but a medication they were testing made him worse. They stopped it today, and by the time I return Monday, he should be back to his "never hurts anyone but himself" self.
We caught some dogs fucking today at work.

We thought that they were brother and sister, as they came in with the same owner. But not really, we put them in the same cage together, leave, two seconds later they're fucking.

I bet he convinced that bitch that they were about to die and said "we might as well do it while we still can!"
I bet he convinced that bitch that they were about to die and said "we might as well do it while we still can!"

Haven't you seen Airplane? Obviously it went down like this

Chick dog "I know we don't really know each other mister, but I don't think we're going to make it out of this, and I don't want to die a virgin"

And then next thing you know she's in the next cage saying the same thing to another dog.
Holy shit... there is actually hope for this upcoming generation. My sisters cake? It's got an spinning Ironman toy on it. I was expecting some sort of stupid design, but I have no arguements with Ironman whatsoever.

And its a white cake... None of this stupid chocolate shit.
My sneezes have a floral aroma to them, it's only started happening recently. Apparently it's an underground phenomenon, making me a member of a small group of afflicted flower scented sneezers around the world.

There seems to be no firm answer as to why it's happening. Apparently bacteria could be an answer, possibly stemming from a change in mouth washing habits (of which none has occurred) or it may be some sort of infection, yet I feel absolutely fine. What a bizarre happening.

Shyamalan should have made a movie about that.
The twist would be you're an evolved flowering plant-humanoid and you're sneezing out your own cells, only to smell them right back in again.
It's John, just smile and nod when he says these things.
As for jamming things in your nose... John, ram a flashlight in there next!
See-through = look at it, please, I didn't wear these if I didn't think someone was going to see my ass sooner or later.