say something about ... yourself!

drunkeys t ib have neen in mylife. i have never been drunker in my life iiwll regret this drunk post.

i apoloize in adavance

i have drank so much, plas do't laugh i just thoguth i would say hkoo. never been drunker in m ylife. i have ben on the floor.


:lol:! Just try not to pass-out in front of the computer.
One time I was SOO drunk that I threw up on my keyboard, fell-out of my chair, and passed out on the floor. I've learned to drink less and lay in bed before that happens, haha :erk:
Yes! I think that will be fun. You know I never used the old game online. I just never thought about it. But I am game!

To say something about myself I am addicted to online bingo again :( I played a shit load today and didn't win shit. I need to go out and hang with the old women folk and play some real bingo when I'm not broke. Watching them cuss and throw down when they lose is part of the bingo fun! :D
I hate the heat; it is hotter than fuck. It may be only 60 degrees outside right now but it's probably closer to 90 degrees in here with my computer and minifridge producing heat, not to mention that I'm on the third floor of the house. I have windows open and fans fucking blowing but it's still to goddamned hot! Fuck it, I'm going to go fuck penguins in Antarctica.

I'm pissed because I'm miserable due to the heat and couldn't get any work done. I drank four beers last night and it gave me a 12-hour headache so I think I'm done with drinking which is good I guess because I go to the gym in the A.M. Fucking hell fucking rant off.
so one of the women i work with has 4 kids. she usually can't get a babysitter before 8am and this is understood by the people who make the schedule. she was scheduled from 8-5 tomorrow, no problem.

and then today, my front end supervisor (who is alternately nice and condescending but who does things that show a complete lack of human decency) tells her that she's changed her hours to 5:45am - 2:45pm. my coworker says that she can't get a babysitter until 8 and her husband can't be late to work again because of watching them. supervisor chick says "well, that's what's on the schedule" and that's that.

so i took the chick's hours and am going to be there at 5:45am.

my fes has done some things that are bitchly beyond comprehension. she is seriously such a headcase.
Ugh, crazy managers. The nutjob I had to deal with today first made us clean a perfectly clean area this morning before the store opened, then made us clean another perfectly clean area after the store closed. I left a good 20 minutes after I was scheduled to, because hangers on racks had to be perfectly spaced apart and other ridiculous crap like that. WTF. This is the manager that was gone for two months with a nervous breakdown. I think she needs more shrink sessions.