say something about ... yourself!

this story has been spreading around us cashiers over the past few days and has created quite a bit of disdain towards our fes.

one of the girls we worked with was going through some really rough stuff. she has a two year-old son and was living with her parents until they decided they wanted a divorce and her dad kicked her and her mom out. the girl, krystal, was trying to find a place to stay, staying with her sister but was told she needed to get out soon. she'd have barely enough money for gas, no money for food, as the paychecks are bi-weekly and she'd have to use them for car payments, etc. so, hardly able to get to work and not really keeping her life together, she was missing a lot of work.

my fes assured krystal that she knew what she was going through and that her job wasn't in danger.

so, i get to work 2 days ago and hear that krystal was fired. what i hear later that day is that my fes didn't tell the store manager anything about krystal's situation - all he knew was that she was missing work. when he did hear what she was going through, he was immidietely remorseful and said he never would've fired her, that he would've even tried to find her a place to stay.

so basically, this fucked up bitch got a girl fired when she's homeless and has a toddler to take care of.
I think referring to anything in science as "just a theory" without knowing the difference between popular version of theory and scientific theory is unacceptable. It should be seen as a sign of ignorance.

Learn what you are talking about before you spout unintelligent catch phrases, you fucking retards!
I think referring to anything in science as "just a theory" without knowing the difference between popular version of theory and scientific theory is unacceptable. It should be seen as a sign of ignorance.

Learn what you are talking about before you spout unintelligent catch phrases, you fucking retards!

Not just me? That irritates me to NO END!
I've been in one of those two walls of death pit... Broke someone's jaw! Hahaha.
= how i feel about going to work today
so one of the women i work with has 4 kids. she usually can't get a babysitter before 8am and this is understood by the people who make the schedule. she was scheduled from 8-5 tomorrow, no problem.

and then today, my front end supervisor (who is alternately nice and condescending but who does things that show a complete lack of human decency) tells her that she's changed her hours to 5:45am - 2:45pm. my coworker says that she can't get a babysitter until 8 and her husband can't be late to work again because of watching them. supervisor chick says "well, that's what's on the schedule" and that's that.

so i took the chick's hours and am going to be there at 5:45am.

my fes has done some things that are bitchly beyond comprehension. she is seriously such a headcase.

Outta curiosity when did they tell her that they've changed her schedule? I think they have to tell people like a week in advanced when their schedule has been changed. Its federal law. They changed my schedule on me once without telling me, they did it when someone called in sick. Never bothered to tell me, it was two days before that scheduled work day. It was my day off to. They tried to write me up for it and I bitched up a storm and never got any points for it. I'm actually supprised I didn't get fired for letting a few choice words fly outta my mouth. But hey, what'evea Home Depot sucks balls.
Interesting day at work so far. I skipped my usual morning coffee because I just didn't feel like having it today. I waited around until 1:45 before I went to get lunch, when I normally go right around 12:15. I decided to just have a burrito from the place downstairs. I went and got in line, had my burrito made and went to pay for it with my debit card because I have no cash. Well, my debit card didn't work. It's set to expire on 06/08, and I haven't gotten my new one in the mail like the bank promised me. Since it's the 30th I assumed the card would still work, but no such luck. So... embarassed, I tell the guy I will go to an ATM and if it works there I'll come back and pay for the burrito with cash. Well, it of course didn't work at the ATM either, so I just got on my elevator and went back to my floor.

Here's where the day got really weird. In a sudden fit of rage, I punched the wall in the elevator just about as hard as I could. The last time I've ever hit anything out of anger was one of my old computer monitors during a video game when I was a teenager. When I was younger than that, I hit my bedroom walls once or twice when my parents pissed me off. Every single time I did it, I always ended up hurting my hand pretty badly and regretted doing it as soon as I did. So eventually I grew out of that habit thankfully. Until today I guess... I don't know what triggered it, but it was fast and unexpected and unlike any other time when I was young, it actually felt really good to do it this time and I must have finally done it right because my hand feels perfect right now, save for a couple scraped up knuckles.

So, instead of a nice fat juicy burrito for lunch, I got a fucking Butterfinger from the vending machine lol. Then, about 20 minutes ago I started getting really light-headed and began sweating profusely right as a hot co-worker had sat down at my desk with me and mentioned how she was really cold for some reason. I got really nervous about feeling this way (I seriously felt like I was going to faint) and ended up msg'ing my boss on MSN and told him how I was feeling. He gave me a package of popcorn which I promptly nuked up and devoured. Now I feel fine again.

Weird, peculiar day of interesting emotions. I'm gonna have myself something totally awesome for dinner tonight. I don't know what just yet, but my brain and belly deserve it after today.
That sucks Kevin! I get that faint feeling every day at work. As soon as I've been at work for three hours, it kicks in. And again three hours after I've had lunch. Must be from being on my feet because that never happened at my office job. Then again, I always had snacks at my desk.

Glad you pulled through though. Stupid bank.