say something about ... yourself!

The two paintings I busted my nonexistent balls on got me a whopping C+ because I didn't have time to do the third seeing as I actually put forth the effort to not have piece of crap paintings!


Edit: Post wasn't angry enough.
Hehe, I know that much. : P

I'm only a miserable bastard when no one else is around. Regardless, thanks everyone!
If you're only miserable when no one else is around, you're probably miserable when they are and just try to trick them (and yourself) into believing you aren't. It's unhealthy, and a predicament I've found myself in before when I was younger and still to an extent today.

But I enjoy life a lot more nowadays and instead of being miserable I just simply decided to stop. There was no reason for it. It was probably due to low self-esteem and confidence, but as I got older I realized that all that crap is only in my head. I realized that the things I think people think about me were only manifested by myself and there's no way to tell if they're true or not. So fuck it. One day I just decided to stop worrying about it because it was making me feel like my life would never improve.

Since then, I look back on my life and realize that even through all that shit, I've still accomplished a lot of significant things. I've never fucked up my life like so many of my friends and people I know, and in general I've had it (and made it) pretty good for myself.

My point is... you gotta do what makes you feel good because that makes you happy and helsp your esteem. You gotta keep your head up, you gotta truck on and most importantly, you gotta find the little lessons that are to be learned from your experiences. Having your heart ripped out sucks for sure, but you can learn from it. Even if it's only that you're man enough to overcome it and move on. As you get older, this will become much easier to do. And you got your entire life ahead of you, so cry this one out of your system or do whatever you gotta do and get the fuck back out there!!

I think I'm going to need to find a new job. Starting in September, the schedule will be full and keeping me on the payroll would be a waste of money, so I'll probably get fired anyway. I'm most likely going to end up going back to some minimum wage bullshit mall job.

The two paintings I busted my nonexistent balls on got me a whopping C+ because I didn't have time to do the third seeing as I actually put forth the effort to not have piece of crap paintings!


Edit: Post wasn't angry enough.

I guess you wanna give that bugger a good walloping for that uncalled for mark, huh?
The two paintings I busted my nonexistent balls on got me a whopping C+ because I didn't have time to do the third seeing as I actually put forth the effort to not have piece of crap paintings!


Edit: Post wasn't angry enough.

You got a C on those amazing paintings?! :mad:

Your teacher must be on crack. No, I think your teacher is jealus because they probably couldn't come close to that level of skill. Since the paintings are worth an A+ the douche bag should have just given you an A- for the lack of the third. :bah:
I'm finally starting to record parts of songs I'm half ass happy with. I just have to accept the fact that I won't be able to write good folk metal anytime soon, and stick with a Katatonia like rock/doom approach.