say something about ... yourself!

Well... I just had the scariest and oddest night of my life.

Go to the theater with the old man, see batman, and after which we were to go to his friends birthday party. We get there, and he says "whatever you do, just agree with everyone... Got it?", I of course say ok. Walk in the house and sitting around the table are about 12 leather clad men, and around the house about 30 more. At first a few jokes run through my mind, then I notice all the motorcycles out in the backyard. As I look at them, all of a sudden a man of about 60 jumps out of his chair, pulls out a knife and points it right at my throat. He screams "YOU YOU WARLOCK MOTHERFUCKER!"... At this point, had I had shit in my colon, it would've left... He keeps this up for a good minute, then starts laughing and says "We just gotta scare new people, ya know!"

Whole room busts out laughing.

Turns out, the party was filled with the old oakland chapter of the hells angels.

I sat around for 2 hours, very nervously drinking beer, talking to easily the scariest people I have met in my life as they drink more booze and do more drugs than I have ever seen any group of men do in my life. Telling the most fucked up stories IMAGINABLE.

While it was an interesting experience, I was more than fucking happy (seriously) to get the fuck out of there.
Well... I just had the scariest and oddest night of my life.

Go to the theater with the old man, see batman, and after which we were to go to his friends birthday party. We get there, and he says "whatever you do, just agree with everyone... Got it?", I of course say ok. Walk in the house and sitting around the table are about 12 leather clad men, and around the house about 30 more. At first a few jokes run through my mind, then I notice all the motorcycles out in the backyard. As I look at them, all of a sudden a man of about 60 jumps out of his chair, pulls out a knife and points it right at my throat. He screams "YOU YOU WARLOCK MOTHERFUCKER!"... At this point, had I had shit in my colon, it would've left... He keeps this up for a good minute, then starts laughing and says "We just gotta scare new people, ya know!"

Whole room busts out laughing.

Turns out, the party was filled with the old oakland chapter of the hells angels.

I sat around for 2 hours, very nervously drinking beer, talking to easily the scariest people I have met in my life as they drink more booze and do more drugs than I have ever seen any group of men do in my life. Telling the most fucked up stories IMAGINABLE.

While it was an interesting experience, I was more than fucking happy (seriously) to get the fuck out of there.

Damn! very interesting and yet, kinda scary.

well hey, you drank with the hells angels and your still alive to tell the story :)
Damn! very interesting and yet, kinda scary.

well hey, you drank with the hells angels and your still alive to tell the story :)

Hahah... Yeah, I suppose. They kept fucking with me the entire 2 hours though. Not to mention they were playing with guns and knives like they were toys. Tossing them around, etc.

Saw like 3 sets of old biker chick titties... Once i turn 40, it straight to 20 year old hookers for me, don't wanna see another set of tits like that in my life EVER again.
i didnt even know you fucking played

I stopped for quite a while, but then 4ed came out, so I got the crew back together. We've been having a blast with it. There are a lot of complaints about it from elitists, but personally, I think its great fun.

Good fuck, I am still kinda shaking from my experiences of tonight... Never doing that again. I heard stories of these people before, but I didn't take the stories in good enough, because actually meeting them? I'll take your faggoty bloods and crips any day over these motherfuckers. :lol:
just got home from a party, still kinda drunk. rather pissed cause one of my best friends was cheating on his girl and I do not approve of that shit having had that shit happen to me before. man, expected more from him I guess ...
six degrees was the last DT album I was able to listen to in its entirety.

It's still crap though, and began the blossoming of DT's "lets rip stuff off that we are currently listening to" phase.

that glass prison song sounds like Pantera, then there's that one song that sounds too much like radiohead, and then there's that solitary shell track which is peter gabriel "solsbury hill" almost exactly.

there was more blatant stuff like that, I just haven't listened to the album since it came out so I don't remember.

didn't feel like posting this earlier, but since I'm in this thread now with time to spare, why not.

I found out I had testicular cancer last month and had my left nut removed. Just finished my second and last cycle of chemo.

Nausea is pretty rough, but overall, I'm doing ok.

Maybe I'll post an awful bald and beardless pic later.

everything should be fine though, caught it in time and nothing spread.

kinda ruined my summer though.