say something about ... yourself!

I've been awake for an hour so far and today already sucks hard. I have already:

- Crashed hard on my longboard
- Lost my wallet which in turn made me have to:
- Cancel lunch plans with rad friends I haven't seen for a long time
- Developed severe hatred and annoyance for the stupid fucking "GO SEE" threads.
Went to Macy's & got my check, went to the bank and cashed said check, went to Sear's, Sports Authority, Target, Wal-Mart, and the Goodwill in search for a simple exercise bike under $150, failed, went back to the bank and deposited my cash, came home, and just ordered a cheap exercise bike online.

And bought Derick a candybar for putting up with all of this.
had such a fun day

went with some friends to Artscapes in Baltimore - lots of artists setting up their stuff in booths - paintings, photographs, sculptures, jewelry, etc. saw so much amazing stuff. we were there for hours. after that, we just hung out in a Caribou Coffee for a while.
had such a fun day

went with some friends to Artscapes in Baltimore - lots of artists setting up their stuff in booths - paintings, photographs, sculptures, jewelry, etc. saw so much amazing stuff. we were there for hours. after that, we just hung out in a Caribou Coffee for a while.

Damn I want to go! lol And I've never heard of caribou coffee. lol! Where were all these places when I lived near there! Now, Frederic was hella far from me but not Baltimore! I could of so gone.

But, I don't have much longer to wait until the Mothman festival! :kickass: A festivus for the rest of us.

Today was uneventful but pleasant. I read in the tub, the power went out for a bit this morning but it wasn't like one of BG&E's epic three day outages like back home.

Oh I forgot to tell you guys that a shit load of tomatoes were ready for harvest! lol, Big ass bright red mother fuckers. Too bad I only like them on pizza. hahhahahah.
you mean my tater tots?

you know i don't have kids.

... or maybe i just have kids you don't know about.
