say something about ... yourself!

NoLordyCapone: Getting up at 6:30 2 days in a row with 4 hours of sleep on both kills me
NoLordyCapone: I laid in bed half of last night
NoLordyCapone: Hoping for sleep
Alfrinn: And hoping each time that this sleep will be the sleep home?
NoLordyCapone: What?
Alfrinn: Quantum Leap reference
NoLordyCapone: oh, leap instead of sleep
Alfrinn: I couldn't be clever enough right now to think of something that made sense.
NoLordyCapone: it defied me until about 2:30
NoLordyCapone: I woke up depressed.
NoLordyCapone: I was desperate to believe I didn't actually work this morning.
NoLordyCapone: Hoping it was actually a PM.
NoLordyCapone: I looked at my schedule. Nope, AM.
NoLordyCapone: I had a puss on my face when I came into work. The night lady avoided me, knowing the look meant "He does NOT want to be here right now."
NoLordyCapone: Joseph got up about 3 til 7. I didn't even address him, I just pointed at the activity room.
NoLordyCapone: He went in there without a word.
NoLordyCapone: I didn't even speak a word until about 20 after 7, when Brianna asked if I was tired.
NoLordyCapone: I was tempted to say "No, I'm frowning like Bill Cosby because I forgot my Botox this morning." But I didn't.

This was my morning. My mood lifted, but I was not happy to be that tired.

Edit: It was like this:

watching my mom use my exercise bike is funny.

wait, it's getting annoying. she's announcing every half calorie that it tells her she's burned.
You jerk, I say fix!

Well to be honest I can't say for certain that I actually DO say it, but I was raised hearing it said so it makes sense to me.

Crazy marylanders
What a nutty fucking week I've been having... my family is INSANE. And some people are like "yeah, mine too", but no, I do mean IN-FUCKING-SANE. For instance, 82 year old lady that took care of my dad and his siblings, she walks in last night and is talking to my uncle kevin, he said something and she responds with "If I ever hear that outta your mouth again I'm going to shit in your mouth". Actual quote. Other various quotes from this lady... to my sister: "Jesus christ, you've turned into a little fucking plunker", too my brothers girlfriend "You've gotta lose some fucking weight", too me "You swear too fucking much", too my dad 'What the fuck is that all over your skin? It looks like you fell into a god damn tub of ink. Cut that shit off you fucking sootsune!"

Was funny talking to my aunt for a while about her druggie of a son, who is in rehab. Apparently the same rehab as steven tyler, though due to patient confidentiality, it could not be
confirmed. She's spent 60,000 dollars on the fucking kid in the last 3 months, each time he fucked up again. But, she has the money, so I suppose she's gonna keep him locked in there. Sad part is though, every time he comes out, he comes back to this house. The amount of alcohol and drugs in this house every weekend is immense. WAAAAAY too much for any recovering drug addict/alcoholic to be around.

Uncle is fucking hillarious... we kept going and getting food and making bets about random people on the street. We also took a drive to one of his friends to buy an assortment of illegal fireworks which we fired on saturday night, resulting in one person getting a burn mark in the face, and a lady's handbag lighting on fire.

Monday I got into philly around 11:30pm, started drinking and eating at Jims till passing out.

Tuesday I walked around philly, got to hang out with maxy wiaxy poo for a few, granted things didn't work out too timely as I had to get my ass to AC. Also ran into nikki and dmanx in a comic book store with max. That was cool. Went up to AC/Brigantine, got drunk, had my aunt make a few calls, got casino access, and gambled almost all my money away in a few hours.

Wednesday and Thursday were more of the same, drinking, eating, and gambling.

Friday was cool... did a bunch of pre-concert drinking, then headed off to the house of lame white motherfuckers (blues) to see Gov't Mule play one of the coolest sets I've had the pleasure of seeing a band play. I was amazed at the precision these guys have on stage, and the way everything just FLOOOOOOOOWS. I did smoke me quite a bit of weed during that concert, with the excuse "its there, its free, I might as well". And as always, jam band lovers have the best weed. I'd go see them again any night of the week, anywhere.

Then saturday, after a bit of pre-party drinking, the main course of drinking started with 75 people around the backyard area of this 2million dollar house. Long story short, open bar + rich people = 8 bottles of grey goose, 1 bottle of belvedere, 2 bottles of jack daniels, 2 bottles of jose cuervo, 4 bottles of petron, 1 bottle of stoli, 8 24-pack cases of yuengling, 3 24-pack cases of corona, and 2 12 packs of stella artois, and a countless amount of red and white wines gone in one night. I have some pictures of the crazy amount of alcohol, but every time I tried to take a picture it would suddenly disapear.

However, I did make back most of the money I lost in the casinos and lottery shit back in tips... Me, being the observant person I am, noticed that most of the people who were serving and what not, were making huge tips. So, of course, I start playing server and trash boy etc for a while. Made me a few hundred bucks in about an hour, while drinking beer. Can't beat that.

Go back down to philly tomorrow, where I will camp jims (camped wawa today since its only a block down the street, stuffed myself in hoagies that I won't get to taste till the next time I end up in philly/jersey). And then tuesday at 4am, after whats planned as a sleepless night since it's such an early flight, I head back down to the airport and go home, which, as much I love hanging out with family, they can get a little bit too nuts, even for me.