say something about ... yourself!

I know meat and cheese does sound awesome. :(

Well, until my financial situation gets better, and or my life gets out of the weeds, my ass can't go anywhere. well, unless it's to finally get a U-haul and pick up my crap. Can't even do that :bah:

Oh, yeah, the tomato plants are out of control! 2 days ago, had to pick 10. Today...41 damn tomatoes. WTF? I just planted six plants! I didn't know I was going to be swamped with the red bastards. lol! Why did my strawberries have to die! why can't I have 41 of those! I hate tomatoes, unless it's on pizza! Hhahha, I've used a total of 2 since they started coming in too. Damn.
Erm... no. Not everyone likes Slayer. When it comes to actual substance and innovation, they haven't produced much since the first few albums - and the rest of thrash and death have long since left them behind. The vocalist is annoying, the guitar solos are the rough equivalent of shouting gibberish through an amplifier, the riffs are boring, and the only really interesting thing about the band is the drumming - and their drummers can be found on at least one Testament album, surrounded by much better musicians on top of that.

Slayer is great if you want to look rebellious and badass when you're 14. If you're not 14, time to grow up.

you really offended me
I like all kinds of metal
and yes i may have started to like them at 14 but nonetheless
and I have grown up
I'm 16 and I live on my own and get up to go to work everyday and I pay my fucking bills and feed myself so don't tell me to grow up just because I like Slayer! like so many other metal-heads in the world,people don't just like slayer for a couple months they like them forever
and if you have stopped liking them
well then you are a poser...
Kerry King is the most brutal guitarist ever
don't ever defile my family again.
And yes I am aware of Dave Lombardo playing on The gathering
I fucking met Testament....
Whatever I don't want to be a typical person on a forum and argue with you
we all have our own opinions we are all entitled to them.
But all I know is they have talent and they're riffs are frankly really catchy... and I can actually head bang to their music, and I like very brutal shit
probably more hardcore then what you like.So don't even go their with the whole rebellion thing okay?

p.s. sorry for the delayed response.

Satisha King
You sound a lot like me. Except I only like Slayer and probably enjoy pot WAY more than you :kickass:

no one likes pot more then me
first time I got high on marijuana was when I was 4 years old
not on purpose of coarse.(cookie)
I smoke a shit load of pot
I have met the prince of pot
I get the most chronic shit you can buy in the world
If you smoked my shit you would either pass out or start freaking out
I'm from Vancouver also known as vansterdam
check out my youtube and watch how WE celebrate 4:20
with over 12 thousand people
in bc we create a lil thing called butter
its 95% THC
try sticken that in your pipe and smokin it

anyways.... point is im a big stoner
and I have a shit load of connections
Since when in the hell is Slayer considered "brutal"... I suppose some portions of Reign in Blood could be considered brutal, but honestly, the band as a whole? I suppose lyrically, which, I will admit, are written by the most brutal 3 year old ever. I guess I missed the memo where it was explained that speed = brutality.

And Kerry King isn't "the most brutal guitarist" ever... he's extremely one sided, most of his riff's haven't any bit of imagination, and his solo's are just hideous messes of sound sometimes.
and I have grown up
I'm 16

Normally, one on the internet would say something witty and/or sarcastic and then someone else would remark 'owned!', but this has eliminated any need for anyone to say anything witty and/or sarcastic as you seem to have already 'owned' yourself.

like so many other metal-heads in the world,people don't just like slayer for a couple months they like them forever
and if you have stopped liking them
well then you are a poser...

Poser? No, I just like hearing a band that does something new every once in a while.

Kerry King is the most brutal guitarist ever


Meet your new god.

and I like very brutal shit
probably more hardcore then what you like.So don't even go their with the whole rebellion thing okay?

If there is an ultimate standard for 'hardcore' that would allow you to say this and mean something, perhaps you wouldn't sound like so much of a tool.

Unfortunately, you have atrocious spelling, grammar, and formatting habits, and defending yourself and Slayer by showing off a bizarre need to be more hardcore than strangers on the internet, so avoiding that would have required much more- between 'necrosadisticangel' and 'Why don't you like Slayer? Too hardcore for you?' you've painted yourself into the special corner pretty quickly.

first time I got high on marijuana was when I was 4 years old
not on purpose of coarse.(cookie)
I smoke a shit load of pot
I'm from Vancouver
anyways.... point is im a big stoner

This explains a lot.

Again, grow up. Watching a sixteen-year-old Slayer-fellating stoner from Canada saying she's grown up is like watching a fat middle-schooler saying she gives the best blow jobs ever.

no one likes pot more then me
first time I got high on marijuana was when I was 4 years old
not on purpose of coarse.(cookie)
I smoke a shit load of pot
I have met the prince of pot
I get the most chronic shit you can buy in the world
If you smoked my shit you would either pass out or start freaking out
I'm from Vancouver also known as vansterdam
check out my youtube and watch how WE celebrate 4:20
with over 12 thousand people
in bc we create a lil thing called butter
its 95% THC
try sticken that in your pipe and smokin it

anyways.... point is im a big stoner
and I have a shit load of connections
hahahahaha you're not real! You know what they say... if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't.:headbang:


Yeah... go back to school. Your looks aren't good enough to get you anywhere easy, and your slayer fanaticism is just going to set back the little you do have (child bearing ready midsection... I suggest you move to Utah, people out here like those) by about 300%.