say something about ... yourself!

might not be on for the next few days, or however it takes to break my little sister of her annoying habit of being an obnoxious, irrational, spoiled cunt.

so she loused "her" desktop computer up with viruses (limewire, myspace, etc) and is bitching at everyone else for "fucking it up." that, of course, means that my laptop must be available for her to use at all times. first, i password-protect it but, when i'm trying to sleep a few hours ago, she bursts into my room screaming at me to tell her the password, asking me why i was "retarded enough" to put a password on it and stop her from using it when she does my laundry, cleans up the house, etc, i'm a worthless lazy sack of shit, etc. i tell her the password, and she just fucking sits on my bed and gets on myspace. i ask her to go somewhere else so i can sleep and she just snottily replies "no, i'm online."

i go downstairs, can't sleep because my mom's got something stupid on tv, my brother's saying something stupid and my mom's responding with something else stupid. i go back upstairs and fall asleep. i wake up a little bit later to hear my sister saying something else about how retarded i am, my brother agreeing, etc, and find that my sister just fucking took my laptop into her room to listen to the same inbred hick rock song "bartender" by rehab. this song just makes me want to drive red-hot fireplace pokers into my ears to soothe the agony.

sooo i figure i'll just pack my laptop up tomorrow and hide the powercord in my car and when she demands to use it tomorrow night, i'll just tell her that i left it in the car of a friend... who i may or may not see for another week give or take :heh: ohh, the temper tantrum she will throw.

i realize that, yes, i'm being really immature and that my problem-solving skills SUCK but i am just so fucking tired of putting up with her shit.

before the sex change?
Nah, thats way more mexi looking than me. And that black jacket? WHAT THE FUCK?!

edit: Wait, a black jacket over a camo hoodie, over a white t-shirt? Where the fuck was this taken, the north fucking pole?
Laura, I think your doing the right thing. And it's the most mature thing you can do, especially if she's acting like a turd even after you let her use it. Serves her right for being a butt hole.

hahha, As immature as it makes me sound I would love to hear the latest and greatest for when you hide the lappy. :D

I found a little turtle among the tomato's today!!! I picked him up and put him near the creek so he can go home. I've named him Snappy for if I see him again. Although he was just a regular turtle with yellow and black markings on his back.

I am going to admit that I've been very entertained from all the funny reading from last night and today. :D I've learned allot from the photo bucket alone!
Nah, thats way more mexi looking than me. And that black jacket? WHAT THE FUCK?!

edit: Wait, a black jacket over a camo hoodie, over a white t-shirt? Where the fuck was this taken, the north fucking pole?

Yeah you have a decent amount of "Just escaped from the concentration camp" added to your mexi, he just has the mexican.