say something about ... yourself!

I want to tune my 7 string to fifths, but now I realize thats impossible no way the a high B wouldn't snap, so I think the first 2 strings will be minor third like in NST, except all the way down to F.

Oh for those who have no idea about NST or whatever crazy music speak (which I think is a only few of you really) I want it tuned F1 C2 G2 D3 A4 E4 G4, I'm just wondering if the innotation will be alright with that kind of range, but I hope, cause this could be fun
I'm not sober.

Good thing we have cookies.

I have "date" tomorrow/today for lunch. I'm kinda nervous, even in this drunken state. Hmm.
Good night, my friends, my cookies. :)

lol! Have fun on the date! Tell Jeff we said hi! :lol: Sorry Emily I couldn't help it! I hope the dude is a real hunk, and you two hit it off.

Good night, friends and cookies. I like that!
I think it'd be kind of ironic...

"Been saving myself for marriage, but then all of a sudden, while out on a date with a possible suitor... BAM! I pass out and wake up with his dick in me. How ironic!"

Or maybe not.

I hope it happens so I can find out!
I want to tune my 7 string to fifths, but now I realize thats impossible no way the a high B wouldn't snap, so I think the first 2 strings will be minor third like in NST, except all the way down to F.

Oh for those who have no idea about NST or whatever crazy music speak (which I think is a only few of you really) I want it tuned F1 C2 G2 D3 A4 E4 G4, I'm just wondering if the innotation will be alright with that kind of range, but I hope, cause this could be fun

You'll want to get Garry Goodman's strings for the high stuff and probably a hefty bass string for the low note - I was not amused with a GHS 90. If you got one of Garry's strings you could make it up to A, at least.

What I'd recommend is using fifths and fourths... a six string can get the range of a seven string if your intervals are 5,5,4,4,4 - I'm tuning one six to AEBEAD, which is a really fun tuning, especially for jazz and fusion stuff. You could go even lower and then add a higher string to your 7.

BTW, I saw this earlier and I thought it looked strangely like jace mereel:


You be the judge:

Regardless of how many he takes in the face, matt rocks.

But really, when I saw that pic earlier I was like "holy shit, i think thats jace!"... time to see if I can find a picture of her in glasses like that for confirmation!
Yeah, but some people switch up.

I'm just going to assume that you own a pair of circle framed glasses for the sole purpose of being blasted on by 6 and a chimp and that it is you. K?
No. Furries just need to all kill themselves. "Waaah... I'm depressed social reject who dresses up like a fox... waaaah nobody understands my fascination with fur... WAAAAAH".

Fucking wastes of oxygen they are.