say something about ... yourself!

this dude at school used to wear a dog collar and wolf t-shirts all the time, we called him furfag because he thought he was a wolf or something, a lone wolf against the world that likes other male wolves.

we told him wolves are pack animals faggot
No. Fuck that.

It's fucking retarded actions like fur suits that are setting the human race back thousands of years. We need to fucking advance as a species, and a bunch of autistic people dressed as foxes and breeding retarded autistic fucking offspring IS NOT HELPING.

We need to line them up against a wall and shoot them for the sake of advancement.

If we want to evolve as a species, we need to be killing off A LOT more than autistic furries.
Religious fanatics, furries, people from new jersey, and any male who's first name starts with the letter K (except for a few, Kevin's and "king diamonds" can stay. I'm more worried about people named Kyle and Kaleb... shit like that.)

Then we can start on the world outside of the US.
this dude at school used to wear a dog collar and wolf t-shirts all the time, we called him furfag because he thought he was a wolf or something, a lone wolf against the world that likes other male wolves.

we told him wolves are pack animals faggot

Hhahah! That is too funny. His parents must of been proud!

If we want to evolve as a species, we need to be killing off A LOT more than autistic furries.

:kickass: hahha, no doubt. I will start with.....people who love and voted for Dubya. After that we get him and work down the list of other groups that hold us back.

I hate how everyone blames "dubya" and the people who voted for him for the problems... why not ever blame everyone who doesn't pay attention to the people they vote into senate who suck? Oh wait, that'd be too logical.
I hate how everyone blames "dubya" and the people who voted for him for the problems... why not ever blame everyone who doesn't pay attention to the people they vote into senate who suck? Oh wait, that'd be too logical.
i was going to say something extremely similar but didnt bother. theres plenty of blame to go around, dont center it all on just one asshole idiot.
I'm currently downloading this:



And I'm also downloading The Machine Girl subbed... forgot all about it and noticed it came out 2 months ago. Trailer:

Yes... its a real film!
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Got drunk 4 months ago and had sex with a burrito, then I woke up in the back of my pickup with a golf club in one hand and a 175 of JD broken next to me, pants were undone and I was missing a shoe... :OMG: