say something about ... yourself!

I emailed Billy Mays a little bit ago, so we'll see if something comes back from him.

It turns out that Danny Glover DOES sign, but this poor guy waited from 1989 to 1997 for his! :lol:

:lol: well, you better get cracking and send your request in to him! No wonder Danny Glover doesn't post all that much! He's a busy man.

I can't wait to hear the results of Billy Mays! I'm sure he's going to send something. If not he'll just yell at you.

It also got me thinking of some ideas of who else you can email.

Gary Coleman, Ed Oneal (Al Bundy ehhehe), Dolly Parton, Damn now I got a brain fart and can't think of anymore. Every time I think of one they may be too big to give the time of day. :(
whats ur degree in?

The degree is in Classical Antiquity, the post grad is on Late Republican history and the Celta/Delta are qualifications that allow me to teach English to any age group anywhere in the world.

and Max, start investing this cash in some pure bred hookers.