say something about ... yourself!

Damn Will that is awesome! It's pretty amazing how you really can't judge who will give an authentic or not. On that thought I think you should try some more of the big boys just to see :)

I don't know why but I'm pretty excited to hear what you get back from Billy Mays. And holy crap! don't forget about Zimmer! he should give you one! I guarantee it!

That's so neat both of you guys are at a wedding today. Both of you are still there right now If I have my timing right. I think a double wedding deserves it's own thread!
this came in the mail today. he actually sends out authentics <3


haha! Cool!

Door of place.


People, father on right.


Fancy table.


Fancy Bathroom.


Scenic View.


Awesome old guy!

I had three glasses of scotch, 3 beers, some Grand Marnier, and a Cuban cigar. It kept me sane.
Yay! Wedding pics!

I love, love places that put the wedge of lemon in the water! Everything looks classy! And the old dude with the beard, really does look like a fun, happy guy!

And I want that bathroom! :kickass:

Psst! got any of the wedding cake? :D
Was an orange slice in the water. Place is Called Orange Blossom Junction.

My steak cut with a fucking BUTTER KNIFE. It was AWESOME.
Oh, now that is nice! Even better then the lemon wedge! I've never seen that one done before. God I want to go there! That steak sounds bitching!

I meant to ask, did you manage to split with your Mom and try that chicken out for size there?
Had an awesome night. Went to the Cinema Arts Center, this kind of ridiculous independent type theater, that was showing Taxi Driver (an original print of), and then Pulp Fiction, at 11 p.m.

Saw this really interesting guy. We kept looking over at each other waiting on line to get in. He was really "cute" I guess by my standards, he had a big beard, a wool hat on in the summer time and a big mess of hair on his head just brushing his shoulders. Okay, so I was almost drooling.

My friends were like "GO TALK TO HIM", but... I sarded, because I am too shy, he sat behind me in the theater, so I wrote him a note, haha. It basically just said hi, you're cute, you stood out to me, number, email -Jen.

Haha. I handed it to him after Pulp Fiction and he just said "Thanks", and I sort of... scurried away haha.