say something about ... yourself!

was off work yesterday visited friends at their new apartment. went out to dinner and then chilled and smoked hookah, but i had to leave early since i had work at SIX AM this morning. ugg.

however, the awesomeness of getting to leave work at 3pm is definitely worth the suckiness of having to wake up at 5am.
So anyway, yesterday I told the workplace to shove it up their ass. I'm sick of this "ok, this week your on, this week and this week nothing... oh wait, come in this morning, now leave you did what you needed to" bullshit that I've put up with for the past few months. I can't blame them for this, what happened happened due to the soaring gas prices, and the fluctuation of the US dollars, nobody wants to pay 1200 for a truck of material from here to Wyoming, and the products themselves have raised due to a lot of the items needed to create being internationally shipped, or trucked in... thus creating a cluster fuck of cost problems.

And now, I am looking at job postings and I must say, I made a mistake... There is nothing. How do we expect to maintain an already weak economy when the jobs that are being offered require one to have a PhD in physics to enter data into a spread sheet? The requirements for these mundane tasks are just simply incredible. I wonder if this is just a salt lake city thing, but I can't believe the requirements that these people want to work.
I have a B.Sc. in Mathematics and I'm overqualified to enter data into a spreadsheet - I'm told that directly. I'd be seriously reconsidering whatever choices I made that resulted in taking up residence in Utah, honestly...

I have a B.Sc. in Mathematics and I'm overqualified to enter data into a spreadsheet - I'm told that directly. I'd be seriously reconsidering whatever choices I made that resulted in taking up residence in Utah, honestly...


I have no idea what the deal is with this bass-ackwards place, take a look at the public job board (you have to log in), the requirements for this shit is absurd. Even janitorial jobs are requiring ridiculous over qualification.
Utah obviously wants to be the flag carrier in the march toward economic depression.

You should consider moving back towards Pennsylvania.
Get this, over the last 6 months the bus's not only have been cut in routes, but they raised the cost 50 cents for a ride. lowered the time on transfer tickets, and raised the price of the monthly pass substantially, and eliminated the fucking yearly pass.

How fucking absurd is it when public transportation costs nearly as much as driving?