say something about ... yourself!

Leave and go somewhere else. Preferably with jobs, and fewer Mormons.


Never an option when you don't have enough money... I'd have to save up big time. I kinda like the no-bullshit outside of the mormons part of this state, but for fucks sake.

At the rate the last 2 years have been going here, seeing if the Navy will let me back in may be a very appealing option. :lol:
Back in? Why'd you get booted in the first place?

Long story... I don't even remember most of it but long story short I was discharged before I was ever technically in (we'll leave it with the keyword: Discrepancies). I know I was told 2 years and I could possibly reapply for the job system I was supposed to be in. Considering the state of the world, I'm sure they'd let me in. Of course, this'd be a total halt to my life and it's an option I don't really care to do.
Draw the pain away!

A hose in my car split open on my way to work, so I pulled off to the side of the road. There was a nice little slope I sat on and read my bookand drank some soda until my dad found me. Pop knows someone with a tow truck so all is well. I just had to walk home from work. Weeee.

Thank goodness for cell phones! Last time that happened my friend Amy and me were 19 years old. No cell phone. We had to sit on the hood of the car and wait for someone to feel sorry for us and stop. LOL there was a watermelon rind sitting on the pavement crawling with ants. I told Amy "Look! At least we won't starve to death" hahahah, the thought of it made her sick! lol.