say something about ... yourself!

I've been at the hospital for 5 hours, waiting for word on my grandfather's procedure... and everything went fine. His arteries are pretty much fucked, though. He's had so many heart procedures done over the last few decades, there are literally no more options left after this one. They couldn't use the laser that they were going to use to clear out the blockages, so they had to use a balloon to open it up. They also cleared out the other blockage since it was 80% blocked.

I'm going with my grandparents to Atlantic City on Sunday.

man oh man
So I went on a second date with this guy and while he's cool and all, I feel like something isn't clicking. I kinda wanna be sure, but at the same time if it doesn't file out, and I keep testing the waters I'll feel like I'm just stringing him along. Then again, I've really only dated one my guy in my life so it could be that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I want someone I'm really comfortable around, and it's not there.

This dating stuff is hard. :erk:

At least you're getting dates :erk:
Jace, I hear Scotsmen make wonderful boyfriends. They're strapping, kind and great cooks.

If only one was kicking about...

Maxy Pants, dates are overrated. Even if you have them, 90% are abject disasters. I don't want to get to know anyone over shaped carbohydrate tubes that have been boiled and assembled with tomato puree onto a plate.
Oh and on a side note, I split a hose in my car yesterday on my way to work. I found out from my dad that even though I got off the road quickly, it still blew the head gasket. Now I'm without a car for who knows how long. Lamesauce.

PS. Max are you going to the Iced Earth concert? I'm forcing Chris, Will, and Laura to go. :)
You guys can share me, I'm fine with that. I'm wall to wall with stamina...

I'm with Willethwillspilleth - just tell the guy, it's better than any other possible outcome.