say something about ... yourself!

Circuit City. Boss is super cool, supervisor is fairly cool, but I mostly like that it starts at 6 am in the morning as opposed to Pizza Hut which started at 5 pm which was terrible for the ole' social life.

Plus I make more than minimum wage now. :kickass:
grandfather goes in at 6am tomorrow morning to unblock some old stents, and if that doesnt work, theyll make the decision then and there to do another bypass. We're all heading there at 5am with him. Guess who isn't sleeping for the next day or 2?
Circuit City. Boss is super cool, supervisor is fairly cool, but I mostly like that it starts at 6 am in the morning as opposed to Pizza Hut which started at 5 pm which was terrible for the ole' social life.

Plus I make more than minimum wage now. :kickass:

Congrats! My oldest brother Phil, whom you met at Meat Camp, actually applied there but they never called him back :p
Drinking absinthe with a buddy while playing NHL '08. Going to be a hell of a night. :D Pictures may appear.
What do you do?

Product Flow Team. Basically odds and ends, menial task's. Dealing with stuff in the Warehouse, making sure the products are orderly, carrying heavy stuff. They're apparently training me to operate something similar to a forklift soon.

Guess I can't expect too much good luck from one day though. I finally did it and told that girl how I felt about her. It wasn't a full on rejection, she was very nice about it. Actually told me she loved me too, but she didn't really...I don't know. Fuck it.

At least I have a job where I can keep my long hair and facial hair. I was almost about to cut it, thank Odin I didn't. :kickass:
So I went on a second date with this guy and while he's cool and all, I feel like something isn't clicking. I kinda wanna be sure, but at the same time if it doesn't file out, and I keep testing the waters I'll feel like I'm just stringing him along. Then again, I've really only dated one my guy in my life so it could be that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I want someone I'm really comfortable around, and it's not there.

This dating stuff is hard. :erk:
Almost got the Symbiotic in Theory down as a whole.

Fuck that intro though, Jesus Christ that is hard.