say something about ... yourself!

Pfft, your post should have been:

Because going home after a game is not an option.

Wouldn't that be nice....but I had to come home, work in the morning.

I was actually thinking of stopping by Dmanxpit's house just to bother him, but I decided not to
fuck my friend ruined my summer today. i got my schedule and it seemed alright and i asked him about my history teacher and turns out my crazy bitchy annoying hard teacher from last year got married and took his last name so i thought i escaped her but i had not. fucking owned.
speaking of vodka, i was up playing video games till 5am while drinking vodka. I'm paying for it now as i had to be at work at 8am....good thing vodka doesn't give me a huge hangover.
booze usually gives me the hangover ov doom while beer is okay

I usually get a bad hangover from just about anything. when i get a hangover though i go all out. I get sick, throw up... but with vodka it's not so intense.

Video games + booze = Long hours of gameing.

I spent $100 on a xbox 360 wireless adapter yesterday. Right now im stealing internet from a weak unprotected signal, but i get my own internet installed thursday. 15 mbps baby!!!!! w000000t!!!