say something about ... yourself!

I've discovered that using wood in the grills is a giant pain in the ass but the effort makes it so worth it when you get the final product.


When I first heard the song, I thought it was "their God will stomp you"...I think that would've been a bit cheesier but even cooler.
So, I made the full time switch to my new position in my company about a two weeks ago, say as week and a half. ALREADY my former manager has failed. He apparently has been telling everyone they are right on schedule, WRONG!!!
He is on vacation this week and I told his boss I'd stop by the production area and just make sure there were no problems.
Well, work orders scheduled to be completed last thursday, friday and today are not even out of the stock room and on the production floor yet! So basically they are like a week and change behind.

So I'm going over the schedule with the lady who does our scheduling and coordinates with sales and she is rippin pissed! "what do you mean it isn't even started yet? he told me it was all set!!! " She finally gets annoyed and calls my (former) boss's boss into her office.

I hope the guy has a nice vacation this week. He is gonna get raped!