say something about ... yourself!

I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.
Why would you be smiling about that?

usually, I hate fillings, but this one was simple, no novacane and I was out in ten minutes.

and feeling kinda proud of myself :ill:

@Dreaming neon darkspot(i'm bad with names), you could threaten lawsuit should they keep doing those rumors, right? I say go for it.
I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.

Poor kitty. Does he fight other cats? Abscesses are gross, but he should be fine as long as it's taken care of. One time our cat Dude had one on his rump, and I didn't know. All of a sudden he started running across the fireplace mantle with blood spewing out of what appeared to be his very butthole. I kinda freaked out :lol:
I'm really stoked about doing laundry tomorrow, just because I get to wash work clothes that are other colors besides black! Yay, colors!