say something about ... yourself!

Old people are funny when they get completely bent out of shape for the smallest things, like a line at the post office and one window doesn't have a clerk in it. They start stamping and making comments.

They're funny when they come up with their "ideas".

They're not fucking funny at all when they're driving in front of me.

*shrug* just nervous and worried... over the work stuff and stuff i can't even figure out... worrying that if i do have to/choose to get a new job i'm just gonna be a nervous wreck, gonna totally fail at getting to know people, etc.

wow Cawa, no more Macy's huh ?

No mo' Macy's evahh! Finally found a decent office job in Irving, which has been my goal ever since I left GiS last year.

Emily - Exit interviews are usually conducted by an HR person, in which questions are asked like why you chose to leave, what you liked most/least about the job, what they can do to improve working conditions for the employees, what they could do to make you decide to stay (haha yeah right), etc etc. They are optional, but you leave in better standing I think if you actually do the exit interview.
I have off on Saturday so give me the details. I'll swing by. Who's us btw?

I'm not solid on details, but when I get 'em, I'll pass them along
"Us" is the Megadeth people that are all getting together that day. Remember Jay from the Symphony X show? He'll be one of them.

Philly, huh?

Come play with us, Max!
No mo' Macy's evahh! Finally found a decent office job in Irving, which has been my goal ever since I left GiS last year.

No mo' Macy's and no mo' stupid jewelery people! woohoo
Good luck at your new job, Cawa! :)

Speaking of old people, yesterday was the 5 year anniversary since my grandma died from the heart attack I helped to give her. :(

wha...... ? :(

I'm sorry to hear this...