say something about ... yourself!

Sorry to hear about your kitty, John. But it she has only been gone since yesterday then don't give up hope! Is she spayed?

Dead Winter - I left home on a whim (to move to Maryland with Derick). I think she knew what I was up to before I did it, but I didn't tell anyone what I was going to do. A couple of days before I left she told me that it would kill her if I left. She was extremely sad and worried after I did. And it killed her!

Karen - Thanks! :D
Poor kitty. Does he fight other cats? Abscesses are gross, but he should be fine as long as it's taken care of. One time our cat Dude had one on his rump, and I didn't know. All of a sudden he started running across the fireplace mantle with blood spewing out of what appeared to be his very butthole. I kinda freaked out :lol:
Yes, it was just an absess, gross as fuck though but he seems to be ok, looks like something from dawn of the dead but he'll heal thankfully.

My cats been missing since yesterday. I just know I'm never going to see her again. My baby...:cry:

Sorry to hear that, but my advice is to go looking for your cat in a mile radius of your house, maybe less. My cat, who never, ever missed a day at home, he always just sat out front, he went missing and for like 10 days he was gone and we searched and searched and I was certain he was dead and was beginning to accept it then we found him at some house a few streets down he got lost I guess , maybe had catzeimher's and they had been feeding him and stuff so he wouldn't leave. It's worth a shot. Did he have tags? Try calling the pound?
My sister's cat did the same thing. We checked the pounds, all over the neighborhood. Tigger ended up being down by the creek a 100 yards from our house. She lived down there for about a month, everyday day would coax her out a little further with food until she was in our back yard and let Katie pick her up.
Sorry to hear about your kitty, John. But it she has only been gone since yesterday then don't give up hope! Is she spayed?

Dead Winter - I left home on a whim (to move to Maryland with Derick). I think she knew what I was up to before I did it, but I didn't tell anyone what I was going to do. A couple of days before I left she told me that it would kill her if I left. She was extremely sad and worried after I did. And it killed her!

Karen - Thanks! :D

I'm sorry again Cara. :( I wish you would not blame yourself though. You know it's not your fault. We all have to do whats best for us sometimes, and you had no way of knowing this was going to happen.
I'm sorry again Cara. :( I wish you would not blame yourself though. You know it's not your fault. We all have to do whats best for us sometimes, and you had no way of knowing this was going to happen.

But she told me it would happen! :loco:

I generally don't feel guilt easily, but I'll always feel some over this and I've accepted that. Kinda keeps me in check to respect my family more.

In other news, I did my dumb exit interview at Macy's and it was dumb. The only questions it really asked were what I liked least about my job, and the name of my new employer plus my new salary (which I left blank because it's none of their farking business).
Oh and that foul, wretched lady I work with cried when I left today, as today was the last day we had to work together. Lol, she told me she'll have to be on sedatives from now on because I was the only one she liked working with. I did not like working with her though haha.
so i've learned that i can trust virtually no one i work with, apparently. this situation just keeps devolving. granted, i'm hearing most of this from mark.

he tells me that word is that i TOLD two people i work with that i fucked mark. these two people (if you've been keeping track) are lyndsee (who appeared all concerned and asked another work friend of mine what was going on, if i was okay, said she didn't believe i'd do something like that) and lynne (there have been rumors about her and mark and he was trying to get into her pants before this all went down) ... lynne told mark/mark was told that i went to lynne and told her about this crazy sex that we supposedly had.

i don't know what the fuck to believe.

at this point, there are too many people involved and it's all pretty much word-of-mouth so i don't know who i could possibly report, or for what, or if it would do any good instead of just causing soo much bad blood and resentment towards me. i'm gonna give it another week and if it hasn't died down, i'm fucking quitting. christ, even if the talk itself dies down, there's no fucking undoing this shit. i might leave regardless.
Congrats on leaving Macy's! haha! What did you put down for what you liked the least?

For what I liked least, the frequency in which not enough people were on staff to cover lunches within an acceptable amount of time. I meant to put on there that maybe managers should step in sometimes and cover lunches if there are not enough people, but I forgot. Damn it I really wanted to put that lol, but it was time for me to get out of there and I wanted to get out of there.

Case in point today...we had two ladies working in shoes, but one of them had to leave suddenly to take her daughter to the hospital, so the other lady (a VERY pregnant lady) was left to work in shoes alone til it was time for her to leave. I was already having to cover two other people's lunches, so I couldn't, nobody could. EXCEPT A MANAGER, A MANAGER COULD HAVE. But they didn't, never do. Really, wtf, it won't kill them to step up to a register for an hour. Poor pregnant girl didn't get a break at all :(
Oh and that foul, wretched lady I work with cried when I left today, as today was the last day we had to work together. Lol, she told me she'll have to be on sedatives from now on because I was the only one she liked working with. I did not like working with her though haha.
aww, how foul and wretched could she be if she liked you that much? :loco:
This is for Laura and Cara!

And it comes with hugs. I figured I'd cheer some people up. :)

So melt under a puddle of cute!

aww!! kitties + work-out + day off tomorrow and lunch with a friend i haven't seen in a while = makes me feel better
so i've learned that i can trust virtually no one i work with, apparently. this situation just keeps devolving. granted, i'm hearing most of this from mark.

he tells me that word is that i TOLD two people i work with that i fucked mark. these two people (if you've been keeping track) are lyndsee (who appeared all concerned and asked another work friend of mine what was going on, if i was okay, said she didn't believe i'd do something like that) and lynne (there have been rumors about her and mark and he was trying to get into her pants before this all went down) ... lynne told mark/mark was told that i went to lynne and told her about this crazy sex that we supposedly had.

i don't know what the fuck to believe.

at this point, there are too many people involved and it's all pretty much word-of-mouth so i don't know who i could possibly report, or for what, or if it would do any good instead of just causing soo much bad blood and resentment towards me. i'm gonna give it another week and if it hasn't died down, i'm fucking quitting. christ, even if the talk itself dies down, there's no fucking undoing this shit. i might leave regardless.

You should leave. BUT you should report this crap first, even if you don't know who started it. If you report it then at least you can leave there with your head up (and middle finger up).
For what I liked least, the frequency in which not enough people were on staff to cover lunches within an acceptable amount of time. I meant to put on there that maybe managers should step in sometimes and cover lunches if there are not enough people, but I forgot. Damn it I really wanted to put that lol, but it was time for me to get out of there and I wanted to get out of there.

Case in point today...we had two ladies working in shoes, but one of them had to leave suddenly to take her daughter to the hospital, so the other lady (a VERY pregnant lady) was left to work in shoes alone til it was time for her to leave. I was already having to cover two other people's lunches, so I couldn't, nobody could. EXCEPT A MANAGER, A MANAGER COULD HAVE. But they didn't, never do. Really, wtf, it won't kill them to step up to a register for an hour. Poor pregnant girl didn't get a break at all :(
omg it's just like that in my department. they're so understaffed and the district manager expects that we have certain amounts of registers open at all times even if we obviously don't have the people there to cover them. it's so riduculous and part of the reason i'd feel bad about leaving - they're already so fucked with understaffing