say something about ... yourself!

i was wanting to leave but that has changed a lot - got much closer with some of the people i work with, more comfortable around people in general ... of course now this shit happens and i've gotten so physically tense from the stress that i've got this weird twitch in my neck that makes my muscles fucking ache - felt better after i worked out, but still... that's what i fucking get for letting my guard down and fucking trusting people and feeling good about my relationships with people :lol:

but really, i do care immensely about some of the people there and look forward to going to work just to see them. the supervisor chick that was being such a fucking unreasonable terror has eased up a lot and is now actually friendly with us at times. so many things have made me genuinely like being at that place and i don't wanna give them up. i also don't wanna go through another job hunt, another period of awkwardly interacting with people before i may or may not get to know them. ugg.

Well, if you do stay there, it at least wouldn't hurt to check out some job listings every now and then, at your leisure without the stress of a full-blown job hunt. You never know what you may come across. Leaving the friends you've made at work is always the worst part, but if you really enjoy spending time with them then you could always make time to see them. You may never really like your job, but it's important to at least feel comfortable doing it. I still say you should look into working at a rec center. Very low-stress but you still get to interact with a fair amount of people, in an environment where they are likely to be more pleasant than they would be in a store.
Yeah, I've only worked at one place that was this bad. Because I needed the money so terribly bad, I only lasted a good four months. Being in tears every night because I kept telling myself I was just being a pussy was one thing, the defining moment was finding other girls in the back crying every night. I was done! Oh, and one of the guys. He was standing there with a very depressed look on his face. I asked him what was wrong. He said that every time he walks in that door when his shift starts, that he can feel the life being sucked out of him.

Jobs suck the life from us all at some point or another, no way to get around that. But if everyone was crying every night then yeah, something was really wrong haha.
Well she said that dumb rumors have been spread about other people in the store before this. I realize that no job is going to be perfect, but this place sounds a circus of perverted crazy people that are not receiving any kind of leadership. I've never dealt with anything of this nature at a job before, but if I did I would certainly report it. I was kinda under the assumption that Laura was wanting to leave there anyway.
well then the obvious answer is for Laura to wait a week or two and start a terrible rumor about her prime suspect, and then after its been going around, go to management and say "ya know theres been a lot of nasty rumors going around about people, like this latest one about Lyndsee getting a filthy sanchez from the creepy plumbing guy. these can be hurtful, we need to do something!" then action gets taken when someone else is on the rumor hotseat, so Laura escapes suspicion for telling, and gets revenge on that rumor spreading whore!
@neal - That'd work too. And Russell still needs to call the store. Somebody needs to stick it to this Lynsdee chick. I don't think I like her.
My old number was a 301, even when I lived in crofton. I had one of those 301-858 numbers. Aparently Amy tried to get one of those when she moved to Glennburnie, but all of them were taken up, so she was stuck living close to everyone with the long distance 410. Now my cell phone is the new bowie standard of 240. It's weird getting used to that one.
This is fucking ridiculous. Supposed to be off Monday, supervisor makes me work. Supposed to be of tomorrow, supervisor makes me work. I don't want extra money I just fucking want to sleep! I can't do 7 day work weeks!
Laura, keep your head up and never EVER compromise yourself with anything...

Neal has a point about "daram" and other crap that takes place in job situations where a lot of people are involved in. It's natural and such is life...
*But* there is a huge difference between a 'harmless drama' and this... It sounds to me like someone is compromising your good name
or reputation and to be quite frank with you, no job situation, no matter how many people work there should ever get to that...
So you can stay at Home Depot and suffer, and have every day of you working there wondering constantly who's talking about you
and who's not, or you can quit and find something a lot better.... I mean I'm sure your life goal doesn't include retirement plan from Home Depot
correct me if I'm wrong... ?
If this means you'll have to drive extra 5 miles to work every day but you'll work in a healthy work environment that will be beneficial to your resume
also- I say it's worth it.... If I were you, I would leave this place and tell everybody there they can fuck off.
Gave my first lectures today...

Probably freaked a few people out, but the response seemed generally positive. I might, however, get in trouble for telling the students that I wasn't going to require or assign problems from the text, or buy it if I was in that situation. As far as I'm concerned, texts for elementary algebra fall into two groups - either they're Euler's 'Elements of Algebra' or they should be Euler's 'Elements of Algebra', and I told them this, and gave them no reason to need the book, so hopefully that won't get me sacked or anything like that.

Laura, keep your head up and never EVER compromise yourself with anything...

Neal has a point about "daram" and other crap that takes place in job situations where a lot of people are involved in. It's natural and such is life...
*But* there is a huge difference between a 'harmless drama' and this... It sounds to me like someone is compromising your good name
or reputation and to be quite frank with you, no job situation, no matter how many people work there should ever get to that...
So you can stay at Home Depot and suffer, and have every day of you working there wondering constantly who's talking about you
and who's not, or you can quit and find something a lot better.... I mean I'm sure your life goal doesn't include retirement plan from Home Depot
correct me if I'm wrong... ?
If this means you'll have to drive extra 5 miles to work every day but you'll work in a healthy work environment that will be beneficial to your resume
also- I say it's worth it.... If I were you, I would leave this place and tell everybody there they can fuck off.

@neal - That'd work too. And Russell still needs to call the store. Somebody needs to stick it to this Lynsdee chick. I don't think I like her.
it's not just her... honestly, i don't have concrete proof of anyone who's saying anything but this is just what i'm hearing... and if what i'm hearing is right, there are like seven different people who could be the prime instigators of this shit


jody, one of my supervisors, said i should probobly just stop listening to mark as he's the one that i'm hearing the most from and who knows what the fuck role he has in this - could honestly be a "victim" in this like me or he could be the fucking source, i don't know for sure. he tells me that he's as pissed as i am and he's more worried about how this is effecting me but... christ, up to this point he was trying to work his way into lynne's pants and she could be one of the instigators of this thing so once again FUCK THIS SHIT, I'M NOT FEEDING IT.
Laura, keep your head up and never EVER compromise yourself with anything...

Neal has a point about "daram" and other crap that takes place in job situations where a lot of people are involved in. It's natural and such is life...
*But* there is a huge difference between a 'harmless drama' and this... It sounds to me like someone is compromising your good name
or reputation and to be quite frank with you, no job situation, no matter how many people work there should ever get to that...
So you can stay at Home Depot and suffer, and have every day of you working there wondering constantly who's talking about you
and who's not, or you can quit and find something a lot better.... I mean I'm sure your life goal doesn't include retirement plan from Home Depot
correct me if I'm wrong... ?
If this means you'll have to drive extra 5 miles to work every day but you'll work in a healthy work environment that will be beneficial to your resume
also- I say it's worth it.... If I were you, I would leave this place and tell everybody there they can fuck off.
i know i should aspire to something better than home depot/retail but, in reality, there isn't anything else i can do. seriously.

i can pin my hopes on possibly getting in to school in the spring but that's only got about half of a chance and it's a while away. i'm actually thinking of getting a part-time job in addition to home depot... juggle the two of them for a while and see which one i like better and which one pays me more and maybe choose between the two - if i can even find another place that is hiring and will work with the difficult hours i get from home depot. maybe i'll just try to throw myself so completely into meaningless work that i'll be able to physically short-circut myself enough to match how fucking emotionally short-circuited this whole fucking month has left me. hah.