say something about ... yourself!

aww, how foul and wretched could she be if she liked you that much? :loco:

Really foul and wretched! For months I've had to listen to how shitty she feels every day (symptoms in long, drawn out detail), her hatred towards everyone in the store (in full detail of course), how much better it was working at Dillard's, how we've merchandised everything all wrong (she would know because she worked in merchandising for a couple of months before they kicked her out of the department for being so difficult). Not to mention having to listen to her take offense to the smallest things, such as directions passed down from a manager. And her breath stinks.
Really foul and wretched! For months I've had to listen to how shitty she feels every day (symptoms in long, drawn out detail), her hatred towards everyone in the store (in full detail of course), how much better it was working at Dillard's, how we've merchandised everything all wrong (she would know because she worked in merchandising for a couple of months before they kicked her out of the department for being so difficult). Not to mention having to listen to her take offense to the smallest things, such as directions passed down from a manager. And her breath stinks.


There's a jaded old woman I work with who has friction with basically everyone else in the building...she's always the only one who does anything right, and the rest of us are all drooling idiots. I call her Jane Christ. :loco:
omg it's just like that in my department. they're so understaffed and the district manager expects that we have certain amounts of registers open at all times even if we obviously don't have the people there to cover them. it's so riduculous and part of the reason i'd feel bad about leaving - they're already so fucked with understaffing

Yeah, I feel kinda bad about leaving for that reason as well. That girl in shoes and another pregnant girl are both about to pop, so they'll be out soon for a while. It really won't affect the pleasant old lady I've worked with in jewelry though, and she's really all I'm concerned about. So I don't feel too bad.
so i've learned that i can trust virtually no one i work with, apparently. this situation just keeps devolving. granted, i'm hearing most of this from mark.

he tells me that word is that i TOLD two people i work with that i fucked mark. these two people (if you've been keeping track) are lyndsee (who appeared all concerned and asked another work friend of mine what was going on, if i was okay, said she didn't believe i'd do something like that) and lynne (there have been rumors about her and mark and he was trying to get into her pants before this all went down) ... lynne told mark/mark was told that i went to lynne and told her about this crazy sex that we supposedly had.

i don't know what the fuck to believe.

at this point, there are too many people involved and it's all pretty much word-of-mouth so i don't know who i could possibly report, or for what, or if it would do any good instead of just causing soo much bad blood and resentment towards me. i'm gonna give it another week and if it hasn't died down, i'm fucking quitting. christ, even if the talk itself dies down, there's no fucking undoing this shit. i might leave regardless.

I'm in full agreement with Cara. You have to report this shit. It sounds like if there was a rumor before you that this shit is allowed all the time. Does anyone know if there is a Home Depot headquarters or something so that they could know what kind of unprofessional bull shit is going on at this store location?

I was reluctant to tell you to get the hell out of there a little bit before because of difficulty of getting one to begin with, and I'm not sure of your financial situation, but no, there is only so much bull crap a human being can put up with, and your going to drive yourself bats with this. I would get out, but please do report.
oh yeah, and yesterday i was standing around and i see this dude from plumbing (quiet, hulking dude who hardly ever talks or smiles) talking to one of the hardware guys and hear the plumbing dude say "yeah, i would throw her in a suitcase and carry her out of here kicking and screaming." that promptly draws a "wtf are you talking about?" from me and plumbing guy tells me that he's talking about this asian woman he was just helping and that he isn't even joking and that that's the way he thinks after his wife has been sleeping in the spare bedroom for the past three years.

and i kinda slink away after that and shiver in a corner.

amusing and creepy, but mainly amusing... but still really creepy.

this shit COMES TO ME :lol:
For what I liked least, the frequency in which not enough people were on staff to cover lunches within an acceptable amount of time. I meant to put on there that maybe managers should step in sometimes and cover lunches if there are not enough people, but I forgot. Damn it I really wanted to put that lol, but it was time for me to get out of there and I wanted to get out of there.

Case in point today...we had two ladies working in shoes, but one of them had to leave suddenly to take her daughter to the hospital, so the other lady (a VERY pregnant lady) was left to work in shoes alone til it was time for her to leave. I was already having to cover two other people's lunches, so I couldn't, nobody could. EXCEPT A MANAGER, A MANAGER COULD HAVE. But they didn't, never do. Really, wtf, it won't kill them to step up to a register for an hour. Poor pregnant girl didn't get a break at all :(

Poor pregnant lady. Damn Managers should have helped out. I don't understand why they don't hire more people too. lol, we all know when they need it even if we are shopping there.

I love it when the grocery store is crowded and there is only one register open. I feel sorry for that cashier too, that's why I try not to give them any grief.
oh yeah, and yesterday i was standing around and i see this dude from plumbing (quiet, hulking dude who hardly ever talks or smiles) talking to one of the hardware guys and hear the plumbing dude say "yeah, i would throw her in a suitcase and carry her out of here kicking and screaming." that promptly draws a "wtf are you talking about?" from me and plumbing guy tells me that he's talking about this asian woman he was just helping and that he isn't even joking and that that's the way he thinks after his wife has been sleeping in the spare bedroom for the past three years.

and i kinda slink away after that and shiver in a corner.

amusing and creepy, but mainly amusing... but still really creepy.

this shit COMES TO ME :lol:

lol! how many creepy people do you work for? Man starting to sound like the weirdo's at the restaurant I used to work for.
lol! how many creepy people do you work for? Man starting to sound like the weirdo's at the restaurant I used to work for.
lindsay and i were trying to figure out just how many guys like that there are at the store and it wound up being easier to make a list of the people there who DIDN'T strike us as being potential sexual predators. the list was all of about three people long :lol:
Oh damn! lol, the creepy people the manager hires says allot about them managers. Maybe the manager is the ring leader pervert. Maybe they have J Rock from the trailer park boys working in there somewhere. lol!
You should leave. BUT you should report this crap first, even if you don't know who started it. If you report it then at least you can leave there with your head up (and middle finger up).
eh, i think telling on everyone as you quit is the opposite of leaving with your head up. dont get me wrong, FUCK people that spread hurtful rumors about you, but that wouldnt really be taking the high road. everyone is going to say that they heard it from someone else, so there is no one person to blame/discipline anyway. telling on everyone just makes you look like a crybaby, and (as you suspect) would only make matters much worse.
dealing with bullshit and rumors is part of working somewhere with lots of employees, i suspect this is especially true as a female. the fact of the matter is many women are bitches and say nasty things about each other, even their friends. if you quit everytime someone says something mean, you are going to be eternally searching for jobs. that doesnt mean you need to put up with abuse, but just realize that anytime you deal with people there is going to be drama. when rumors come up, refute them, but if you freak out and cause a scene you're just playing into their hands. Schoolyard behavior doesnt end when you graduate, sadly.

look at you, getting all these serious posts from me. giving out advice like i know what the fuck im talking about :zombie:
Well she said that dumb rumors have been spread about other people in the store before this. I realize that no job is going to be perfect, but this place sounds a circus of perverted crazy people that are not receiving any kind of leadership. I've never dealt with anything of this nature at a job before, but if I did I would certainly report it. I was kinda under the assumption that Laura was wanting to leave there anyway.
look at you, getting all these serious posts from me. giving out advice like i know what the fuck im talking about

bahahaha all part of my master plan *cackles*

but yeah, i've got all these conflicting ideas about how to handle this situation and, while i am freaking the fuck out internally and to the people there that i'm close to (though trying to make a joke of it for the most part) i'm trying not to feed this monster as far as the other people there are concerned. mark says i should just go up to lynne and tell her that nothing's going on between him and i, and i'm not going to say a fucking word to her. i've seen some of the people that i've been told are running their mouths and i try to act as i normally do around them - so i STILL don't talk to them :lol:

i AM trying to let this die down but it's hard for me to shrug everything off. it sounds like they're trying to make me out to be some attention-hungry nymphomanic who just has to tell essential strangers about my wild sexual exploits with married men who are twice my age.
Well she said that dumb rumors have been spread about other people in the store before this. I realize that no job is going to be perfect, but this place sounds a circus of perverted crazy people that are not receiving any kind of leadership. I've never dealt with anything of this nature at a job before, but if I did I would certainly report it. I was kinda under the assumption that Laura was wanting to leave there anyway.
i was wanting to leave but that has changed a lot - got much closer with some of the people i work with, more comfortable around people in general ... of course now this shit happens and i've gotten so physically tense from the stress that i've got this weird twitch in my neck that makes my muscles fucking ache - felt better after i worked out, but still... that's what i fucking get for letting my guard down and fucking trusting people and feeling good about my relationships with people :lol:

but really, i do care immensely about some of the people there and look forward to going to work just to see them. the supervisor chick that was being such a fucking unreasonable terror has eased up a lot and is now actually friendly with us at times. so many things have made me genuinely like being at that place and i don't wanna give them up. i also don't wanna go through another job hunt, another period of awkwardly interacting with people before i may or may not get to know them. ugg.
Well she said that dumb rumors have been spread about other people in the store before this. I realize that no job is going to be perfect, but this place sounds a circus of perverted crazy people that are not receiving any kind of leadership. I've never dealt with anything of this nature at a job before, but if I did I would certainly report it. I was kinda under the assumption that Laura was wanting to leave there anyway.

Yeah, I've only worked at one place that was this bad. Because I needed the money so terribly bad, I only lasted a good four months. Being in tears every night because I kept telling myself I was just being a pussy was one thing, the defining moment was finding other girls in the back crying every night. I was done! Oh, and one of the guys. He was standing there with a very depressed look on his face. I asked him what was wrong. He said that every time he walks in that door when his shift starts, that he can feel the life being sucked out of him.