say something about ... yourself!

so apparently there's a rumor going around my work that i fucked a guy i work with. not just that i fucked him, but that i got double-teamed by him and some other guy. i was told about this by an actual close friend there after obliviously listening to snide comments about it from other people i work with.

son of a bitch.
no. he's married and over twice my age.

i talk to him fairly often. he'll come over to me to talk, we'll go outside together to smoke, etc. granted, there's enough "drama" with the people at that store, and generally when any people of the opposite sex are seen talking together that generates a rumor but... christ, just the fact that people i assumed i was friends with were just talking, laughing about this shit right in front of me before i found out what was going on, taking me for a complete fucking fool and thinking they had some kind of upper hand ... that's what fucking gets to me the most about this shit.

it seems like something that will hopefully just get laughed off by my friends and i there and forgotten *crosses fingers* by all the other people there who just seem to want to start shit.

i just hope i can maintain some level of ... well, level-headedness around said rumor-spreaders tomorrow. fuck.
Oh my god! Laura, I would want to wring someone's neck! It would be killing me to know who started the shit too. I hope you get this resolved tomorrow. Maybe talk to your boss about it, and try to debunk some of this BS.
I hate this old & abused CDs it won't play I have to listen to on some old Coby brand CD player. The buttons don't even work, I just have to take a battery out when I want it to stop, and luckily it's stuck on a good volume level :lol:

Somewhere I have a nice CD player...somewhere, in my closet of doom. Anyway...Mudvayne's LD 50 is an enjoyable album :kickass:

Laura, all that stuff at work will probably blow over. If not then definitely let a supervisor know.
*crosses fingers*

like i said, there are a lot of rumors going around that place. there were/are rumors about one of my best friends there, that she's slept with at least two different guys in different departments, and last night i spent about an hour walking around with one of my supervisors just talking about all the rumors that have been going around and how fast shit gets around and how big it gets blown up so hopefully the people who actually have some common sense will take that into account.

and the ones who don't are people i don't really give a shit about anyway. it's all just a nuisance
Quit, Laura. I would, anyway. If you can't get a manager to step in and stop this kind of thing, then just leave. It's obviously not a healthy work environment.

Have you tried temp agencies? (we may have already talked about this but I don't remember) :p
In all of my experiences with them they are really helpful.