say something about ... yourself!

I'm not happy with people already today and I have only been awake for an hour or so.

I was walking from my car to work this morning (a rather long, tedious task when you work downtown and don't pay to park) when I heard a loud crash. I was just about to walk over an I-5 overpass when I heard it and looked over to see a motorcycle that had just fallen over with it's driver's leg trapped underneath. There was heavy traffic on the street so I couldn't run over to him to help right then, and I was kind of assuming that someone in one of the many cars that had now lined up behind the motorcycle would jump out and help. After 20 seconds or so, the traffic cleared and I ran over to the guy. By then he had gotten himself out from under the bike and was standing up, holding the bike upright.

I asked him if he was OK and needed any help and he replies: "Ah fuck that hurt." I told him I can help him in any way he needs and he just asked me to hold his bike up while he checked the damage and made sure his knee was ok. He was walking and bending both of his knees so I don't think he was hurt too bad. After a minute or so he says "ok let's just throw it in neutral and get it out of the way so these people can go. So I helped him push it to the side and asked him again if he needed anything. He said "No, I can take it from here." So I walked away and continued to work.

I cannot fucking believe that not one other person out of the hundreds that were around did anything to help this guy. Especially the people in the first couple cars behind him after he crashed. He totally dumped it in the middle of the off ramp so he was blocking everyone behind him. You'd think common sense would tell these pricks that if they got out and helped him it was result in them accomplishing whatever it was they were out to do that day a bit faster. Instead they all just fucking sat in their expensive cars and watched it all happen, from him crashing to little ol' me trying my hardest to hold this insanely heavy motorcycle up by myself, until we were out of their way.

I understand people not wanting to get involved in things like that, but this seemed to me like a pretty big fuckin' deal. It wasn't like driving past a crash where the victims are both standing outside talking to each other. This guy was in serious need of physical help to get that bike off of him and countless people were just staring at him the whole time, even people that were 5 fucking feet away from him. Jerks.

I generally have lots of faith in humanity to do the right thing when it's necessary but it's going to be hard to maintain today and maybe for a little while after this. I'm literally dumbfounded at the way this entire thing played out. I know people can be selfish sometimes, but this just saddens me.

The guy that crashed didn't even say thank you, but I think he was really embarrassed and shaken up so I give him a free pass.

Shitty way to start the day for sure.
It's a big city, people are worried that they'll end up causing more problems then they'll help. I live in a city of 80k, and if there's an accident, everyone stops to help. I've been in Vancouver when an accident happens, I stopped my jeep and ran out to help, and instead I got yelled at, honked at, and even cops tried to charge me for delaying traffic. To fucking help someone that might be seriously injured. I was so upset.

I know how ya feel.
I'm not so sure there ever was such a thing.
srsly, sickening shit

however, if i was in my car and saw an accident/people who needed help, or someone being attacked, i would want to help but i also know that physically i probobly couldn't help with much and, like tyler said, would be in the way of people who actually can help.
srsly, sickening shit

however, if i was in my car and saw an accident/people who needed help, or someone being attacked, i would want to help but i also know that physically i probobly couldn't help with much and, like tyler said, would be in the way of people who actually can help.
Such is the justification of every single other person in the general vicinity as well. Your short, simple answer exemplifies and proves the entire problem.
holy fuck Devastation is touring the usa and is going to la. if they don't add a date up here i seriously have to drive down, i can't miss this. hopefully some other sick bands will play with them too.