say something about ... yourself!

Laura I know it's hard to conquer confidence issues with low self esteem, but it can be done. Just remember that NO MATTER WHAT, you're going to be all right and life will continue as normal.

That said, a noticeable lack of self confidence is one of the most unattractive things ever. I've learned this the hard way over and over and over again. Just don't think about it too much, seriously take the compliments people give you (when someone says you're pretty or whatever you have to actually believe them... and they wouldn't say it if they didn't mean it) and have fun, because like they say you could get hit by a bus tomorrow and that would really suck.

Laura, what Kevin just said. ^

There are some people that do think you are pretty, and that there is nothing wrong with you what so ever. I am one of them. :oops:

I also liked Isabel's advice too. If it doesn't work out the way you wanted it to, just try to tell yourself, "Well, at least I got laid." There is no sense in worrying about these things before they happen. Every one has unique tastes too. Don't arrogantly assume what his taste is before you get to know him. Give him the chance to show if he's a dick or not.

On another note, I want Kevin's pies, and Emily has lots of heart. Don't listen to that penis wrinkle Em!
Laura I know it's hard to conquer confidence issues with low self esteem, but it can be done. Just remember that NO MATTER WHAT, you're going to be all right and life will continue as normal.

That said, a noticeable lack of self confidence is one of the most unattractive things ever. I've learned this the hard way over and over and over again. Just don't think about it too much, seriously take the compliments people give you (when someone says you're pretty or whatever you have to actually believe them... and they wouldn't say it if they didn't mean it) and have fun, because like they say you could get hit by a bus tomorrow and that would really suck.


i think my main problem is that i've got some kind of predisposed thing against people who just act overly confident, maybe because i've always been so shy, but they always seem so ... obnoxious and that's just how i feel like i'd appear

Did you ever think that dude could be putting up a facade as well? You never know, you two could be kindred spirits.

Give it a try. It all comes down to trial and error.
Those who do not realize the glory of my last post in this thread may kindly feck off.

Also, if this forum was a room, it would have no doors, anyone could get away with anything and in place of Nevermore there would be an endless buffet that distracts everyone from the real reason they came there in the first place.