say something about ... yourself!

I get that sometimes. then again, I have little to no social life.

with me, it's pretty much just either the small circle of friends from work, or the small circle of friends that i made in junior high and we're all just now seeing each other again after rifts have been mended, one of my friends just moved back from new york, another had a baby and the baby is old enough now that she can leave her with other people, etc.

i guess another part of it is that there's just so much negative stuff that comes out when i'm with these people, not like they're self-pitying or attention hungry or anything but between the two groups of people there is just so much instability - issues with divorces, children, child support, alcoholic family members, crazy spouses, unstable living arrangements, legal troubles, money problems, college, it just runs the gamut - and when you're hanging out, you talk and naturally that's the stuff that you talk about.

and me, i'm just so empathetic when it comes to other people. like, i honestly think that i have the most stability and the best life situation out of everyone that i am close with, in that i have a place to live and i'm not in danger of getting kicked out, my parents are still together and aren't mentally unstable or emotionally bankrupt, my income is mine to spend on stupid shit because i don't have to worry about having enough for rent or car payments or food for my kids or legal bills ... i just hear people who i care about so much talk about all this bad shit in their lives and i wish more than anything that i could do something to help them or at least be able to give them advice that helps them. but i really can't do anything and that fucking kills me.
"Smart Ones". It was the cheapest of the brands. :)

This is very true. That dinner was gooood. And lasted me about a week.

I've had that before! Yes, It is quite good! Gosh, it's been so long since I've had it that I'm going to have to pick that one up again. Damn, they used to have a chicken and broccoli on a baked potato. :( I miss that one.

Mmmm, I love broccoli!
Bought a new chair today!
